This is revelation of the Antichrist as revealed on 30th May 2020
Before you read this, learn;
- Antiochus Epiphanes – a prototype of the Antichrist
- Antichrist Character as revealed in the Bible
- Who is the Antichrist?
- Antichrist Reign in 7 years (1 week)
- The 4 Beasts of Daniel and Revelation
- Rev 13 – Beast Rising up out of the Sea & Beast Coming up out of the earth
- Rev 12 – The Woman, Child and Dragon
- Armageddon war Culmination
- Armageddon Battle Full Picture
- Prophecy of Antichrist Rise, Christians Persecution and Release of Demons
- Vision of the Antichrist and God’s message to His children
After Revealing His coming, see the coming of Jesus is Imminent, Jesus revealed the Antichrist;
Revelation of The Antichrist
As the world faces more troubles humans cannot solve
Antichrist is being ushered in
Through the troubles, world will set up the systems for the Antichrist reign
Example; Coronavirus has accelerated the micro-chipping of humans (fear not)
When Antichrist appears, he will make all these troubles in the world disappear
And entire world will lift him up
He will initiate the building of the Third Jewish temple
And through his watch the temple will be completed
He will take over the Third Jewish temple
He will commit abominable acts in the temple – what is referred in the Bible as the ‘Abomination of the Desolate’
He will have no desire for a woman but will go against nature
Inside the temple, on the Altar, he will commit his homosexual acts
He will defile Jews
He will do away with Jewish worship in the temple
And bring in a worldly religious worship
A foreign god will be worshiped sacrificed and offered to in the Third Jewish temple
And this is the religious system of the 4th Beast of Daniel
Antichrist is alive today
Fear not church, for we know he will not be revealed until church is caught up (2 Thess 2:3)
Reason Jesus coming is imminent
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand