Read Bible to Understand Not Cram Verses
Read Bible to Understand not cram verses. Many people read Scripture to cram verses but not to understand it – to know the mind of God.
See Bible is not the Word of God, Bible is not Jesus
Read Bible to Understand Not Cram Verses
When Scrolls were written, they had neither chapters nor verses. This are the scrolls brought together to form the Bible, Scripture.
Bible had neither chapters nor verses as the scrolls were. Chapters and verses were introduced later.
God and the writers (men of God) did not want you to cram chapters and verses thus Scrolls and the Bible were a continues flow of God’s mind for you to read and understand.
When you go to the bookstore to buy a book to read, you do not buy a book to go cram lines and sentences but to read and understand it.
When you write a book, you do not want your readers to cram lines and sentences of your book but to read and understand
Even in the world education systems all over the world, when students are given a book to read, they are not tested by whom has crammed lines and sentences but by whom has understood, for so they pass or fail.
Indeed, students whose work is to cram lines and sentences of a book, they do not at all understand the book and thus when a test is set, they fail. And so it is with the Bible.
Indeed, people with crammed Bible verses and chapters do not understand Scripture at all neither do they know the mind of God. And when a test is set, in which every minute of our life on earth we are tested, so they fail.
People with crammed bible verses and chapters are indeed a failure in walking with God
How much you understand God’s mind, it’s how much you know God. Your personal relationship with Jesus is depended on how much you know Him.
Knowing God is not depended or related to how much you have crammed bible verses and chapters in your head/mind nor how much you can narrate the Bible.
Do you not know that Our Forefathers, Abraham, Enoch, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc, had no Bible but they looked for God, found Him, knew Him and walked with Him? Bible is just an added advantage to us today.
To understand any book, you read it with an open mind, keen to understanding not keen to cram lines and sentences. And so it is with the bible.
To know the mind of God, you must read the Bible with an open mind, keen to understanding, knowing that it will approve or go against what you believe.
The more you know God, the more you realize that Bible does not contain everything (even John disciple of Jesus testified all works of Jesus could not be contained in a book). In reality, Bible only has the foundation. For you to have a house, you need more than the foundation.
The religious tell you that Bible contains everything – it is not so. Everything is contained in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit as written ‘He will teach you all things’ (John 14:26).
It’s the religious who tell you to quote Bible in Truth they don’t want to accept. If they could be when Jesus was walking on earth revealing His Father and depths of the Kingdom, they could be shouting to Him ‘quote Bible’ or ‘proof it in the Bible’ etc – Fools!
Satan and demons know the Scripture…. even better than humans. You do not win a battle against the enemy by just quoting a bible verse, but by first having an understanding of God (knowing God well), His Mind and holding the Truth. Remember in the temptation of Jesus, Satan quoted the Bible and Jesus overcame not by just quoting the Bible, but by knowing His Father well.
And that’s how the enemy does today – he uses Bible, quotes verses, and many fall. They fall not because they do not have Bible verses in them, but because they do not understand the Bible, know God and His mind.
The more you seek understanding (not to cram), the more Jesus opens Himself to you, the more you know Him – Yes! The Spirit of Understanding is given unto you (Isaiah 11:2). See the 7 Spirits of God
The more you seek to cram Bible verses and chapters, the more Satan uses those same crammed Bible verses and chapters against you, the more your life is destroyed though professing a form of light
Crammed Bible verses and chapters have no power against the enemy.
Example; When the enemy comes at night in dreams, you cannot quote those crammed Bible verses and chapters because your mind is asleep and they are in the mind. Thus the enemy does whatsoever he came to do and after he is gone it’s when you wake up and since your mind is awake, you can quote now the crammed verse. He has already destroyed you and gone! You are defeated!
When you know God, your spirit is awake even when the body is asleep. Thus when enemy comes, he comes into contact with a living spirit thus victory.
Do you know why people cram Bible verses and chapters;
- To use it against those they do not agree with or their enemies, as a weapon – It’s demonic.
- To use it to brag and be seen how much they know Bible (in Truth you do not know God)
- For incantations and repeating it to themselves – a form of witchcraft
- Pride – being puffed up by humans
Look at everyone whom you know that all they have is crammed Bible verses and chapters. Remove that cover they cover themselves with of quoting Bible verses and look in their life, see how Satan is destroying them and you will want nothing to do with crammed Bible verses and chapters
Read Bible to understand the Mind of God – to know God
Do not read it to have crammed bible verses and chapters in your head
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