What is spiritual covering? Do you need spiritual covering? Is spiritual covering Biblical? These are the questions to answer because today we are told that we need a human being’s spiritual covering.
What is Spiritual covering?
In its primary context, having a spiritual covering means being submitted to the authority of another Christian believer. The concept is taken to mean that, for a person’s spiritual life and/or ministry to be valid in the eyes of God, the person or ministry must be under direct submission to a specific person.
This might be an elder or pastor of a church, an older or more mature Christian, or some other authority figure. Christians are not only accountable to God but also to their leaders and elders.
In practice, the concept of spiritual covering makes an earthly authority figure an intercessor or a substitute for God in the life of the person or ministry that has the “covering.” This has led some Christians to consult their designated “shepherd” prior to making career or family decisions. In some cases, professing Christians have claimed that, given an apparent choice between obeying God or their shepherd, they would obey their earthly shepherd.
Is this Biblical?
Protestant Heresies Today: – You Need Spiritual Covering (a false gospel)
In the Bible, in the True gospel, in the Kingdom of heaven, there is no ‘spiritual covering’ – the word ‘spiritual covering’ is not found in the Bible.
Who are we accountable and answerable to according to the Bible; a human being or God?
Rom 14:12: So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God
Biblically, every person is accountable and answerable only to God.
Are you created by a human being that you should be accountable to him/her? Does a human being know your future more than God? Are you answerable to the creation or the creator?
The concept of spiritual covering makes an earthly authority figure an intercessor or a substitute for God in the life of the person or ministry that has the “covering.” This is idolatry. It is worship creation not the creator.
God needs His place in you. That place you have put a human being to hold is God’s.
God is the potter and you are the clay. He molds the clay (you) the way He wants not the way another human being wants thus you are answerable only to God.
Clay cannot be answerable to another clay but only to the potter.
Can you submit to a human being and at the same time to God? No! You cannot please a human being and please God.
Respect the office they hold but do not submit to them – submit only to God. You might submit to a devil thinking it’s a God servant.
You should consult others for guidance, be humble enough to learn from the life of others. Do not be answerable or accountable to them. Our approval comes from God not men. It is only God who knows what He has created you to be. We are all created different.
Since God molded a certain servant in a certain way that does not mean He will mold you in the same way. He created every person different. Every person is molded individually specifically in God’s own way. See in the Bible that all God servants were molded differently.
No person has the absolute right to declare you service, calling, gift, etc valid or invalid.
Allowing a human being to control us spiritually obscures our relationship with Jesus Christ and always leads a person away from God to hell.
No other human being knows God’s will for your life – only God and you. No human being can lead you to doing God’s will except God Himself who ordained you before you were born like Jeremiah.
Jer 1:5: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations
Human hand has no work on what God ordains
For a person ministry, calling, gift etc to be legit, there is no biblical mandate for a person to be spiritually covered by another human being.
Tell me who was spiritually covering Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, Jonah, John the Baptist, Paul, etc. Was not their ministry and calling legit? Yes! They are True God servants.
You brood of vipers!
The example the brood of vipers use to lie to you that you need spiritual covering are; Elijah and Elisha, Jesus and the disciples, Paul and Timothy, Moses and Joshua. Do they tell you the truth? No!
- Answer me first, who was Elijah, Moses, Jesus and Paul under? Who did they submit to?
- Do you know that these servants were chosen by God they did not choose themselves? See God chooses His servants you do not choose yourself.
- Do you know that it is Elijah who went for Elisha, Jesus who went for the disciples, Moses went for Joshua?
In the kingdom of heaven, a servant of God comes to the called successor not the successor to take him/herself to the servant.
- Do you know that Elijah had a servant and when time for Elijah to go came, God sent Him to anoint Elisha as a prophet? The servant who used to walk with Elijah was not called by God to be a prophet but Elisha who used not to walk with Elijah was.
God’s power only goes to the God’s chosen and called servants not those who have followed a God called servant. You will follow a servant of God expecting the power to come upon you all in vain.
Stop being lied to. Open your eyes. Wake up!
God’s power and succession from one servant to another goes only to the called and chosen not to those who are under the servant or blindly following the servant expecting God to power them through the servant.
Since God molded a certain servant in a certain way does not mean He will mold you in the same way. He created every person different. Every person is molded individually specifically in God’s own way. See in the Bible that all God servants were molded differently.
Submission false gospel is of Satan. Satan brings out his servants and they tell you to submit to them. Submitting to them is submitting to Satan. You are bowing down to Satan.
The Truth will set you free.
Spiritual father and mother, spiritual covering, submission and mentorship is a false Satanic gospel
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