Many people today think that God is only found in houses tents and places called ‘churches’. It is a heresy mostly propagated by religion and religious people.
They say, ‘to get God blessings, go to church (house)’, ‘to pray, go to church’, ‘to worship, go to church’ etc; a church being a house, place or tent. This is neither Biblical nor Godly.
God neither dwells nor is He found in houses places or tents named by humans ‘churches’ for He does not dwell in temples made with human hands.
Acts 7:48: The most High dwell not in temples made with hands
See Protestant heresy today 1: – building houses for God to dwell in
Houses, tents and places are not part of the Body of Christ.
For us to find God, we must know where He is; where to find Him. Many people have gone out looking for God but they have not found Him because they have searched in wrong places.
Where is God?
God is in His throne, heaven, and earth is His footstool
Isaiah 66:1: Thus says the LORD, ‘The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool’
Can a place, a house or a tent contain God? No!
1 King 8:27: But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain You; how much less this house that I have built?
God dwells only in a temple build without hands; i.e. in human bodies
1 Cor 6:19: Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you
See the body is the temple of God
When a person is baptized with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God comes and dwells in the person, thus God dwells inside the person. See baptism with the Holy Spirit
Therefore, where is God? Where do we find God? He is inside every person baptized with the Holy Spirit not in places, houses or tents. He is in you.
This means that every place you are, even if you are in the bathroom, asleep, playing outside, walking, etc, God is in and with you and you can speak to your God anyplace anytime; you do not need a house, place or tent.
Protestant Heresies Today 7: – God is only found in houses tents and places called churches (bondage mentality)
Many people think and say that God is only found in houses and places they call ‘churches’. It is a lie and lack of the truth. God is not found in houses or places neither does He dwell in them.
I have seen people who think and say that for you to worship God, to pray, etc you must go into a house called the ‘church’. For your prayers to be heard by God you should be in church. For you to be close to God you must be in church. It is a lie! It is a bondage mentality.
Others say that you have to go to church to get blessings. It is a lie! Can a house, a place or a tent bless you? No!
It is God who blesses not a house, a place or a tent and God does not dwell in these things neither found in them. And neither can another human being bless you because it is God only who blesses and curses according to His will.
Others say that you have to go to a place called church to worship God. A lie! These are the people who pray facing mountains, hills, etc (God’s creation) but not God Himself.
God is dwelling in you true Bride of Christ and anyplace anytime you can worship Him. He is not in a house or a place; He is in you.
You do not need houses and places to worship God. You need only yourself and God.
Do not be fooled by these earthly beautiful houses called churches. They are just idols being worshiped and served by humans and Jesus Christ never commanded any human being to build Him a house instead He is the one to build it and He commanded us to go preach the gospel to every creature.
That building you call the church is not a ‘house of the Lord. You are the ‘house of the Lord’, the temple of the Lord.
This false doctrine of God only found in houses and places thrives in religion (Pharisees, Sadducees and hypocrites). They push it in order to bring people to their man-made houses called churches so that they may control and get money from people.
It is bondage. It is captivity. It’s a bondage mentality. The truth will set you free to worship God in truth and in spirit.
This bondage mentality hinders many people from having a true relationship with God and worshipping Him in truth and in spirit. You cannot see or experience Jesus Christ power in this bondage mentality. Set yourself free.
Today, many calling themselves Christians are in religion, seeking God where He is not found and neither seeing nor hearing from Him. Blind indeed! They are busy serving houses, money and other idols but not God Himself. Lost indeed!
God is not found in houses, places or tents. The house of God is not a house build of cement and stones neither a tent nor a place but our bodies. He is in and with you. You do not need a house, a places or a tent to pray, praise or worship God.
Wake up
Change your ways. Come out of Bondage. Set yourself free.
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand