Prophecy reveals destination not the Way. Destination is the point at which the prophecy is fulfilled. The Way is the road from the point the prophecy is proclaimed to the point the prophecy is fulfilled. Many never make it to the destination because they never walk the Way.
Prophecy Reveals Destination Not The Way
The prophecy to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan was a prophecy only revealing destination, Canaan – the prophecy had no Way.
The prophecy never revealed how the children of Israel were to be delivered from Egypt, never revealed God battles with Pharaoh, never revealed the Passover, what the children of Israel were to face in the wilderness, the Red Sea, Jericho, children of Israel wars, etc.
The Way was only with God and came through Moses (a prophet).
Which route to take, when to rest, tribes to fight and not, food to eat, water to drink, all instructions were from God to Moses, then to the Children of Israel (God is a God of order). Children of Israel were only to follow God’s lead through Moses to make it to Canaan.
About 600,000 men on feet beside women and children came out of Egypt on the way to Canaan but only 2 men made it to Canaan – many could not walk the Way to Canaan thus they perished in the wilderness. For indeed narrow is the path that leads to Life but broad is the way to destruction and many take it.
A prophet is the eye of the Church, he points the Way – Moses led the first church from Egypt through the wilderness (Acts 7:38).
The prophet who gives you a prophecy (destination), through the prophet God will dictate the Way, God leading you step by step by the prophet unto the prophecy fulfillment, the destination.
Prophets have your way in their hands – they have the Power to take you to your destination/destiny. Satan prophets have power to shut you from reaching your destination; they include witchdoctors, magicians, fortune tellers, false prophets, diviners, etc. At the Way is where Satan prophets mostly come in.
Satan prophets through the spirit of divination will see your destination. But instead of leading you into the path that leads to Canaan from Egypt, they lead you to the road heading to Libya. You cannot reach Washington from New York by heading to Atlantic Ocean. You cannot make it to Mombasa from Nairobi by taking the route to Garissa Wajir or Kisumu.
Satan prophets make sure you take the wrong road to your destination, mostly introducing you to witchcraft. Reason witchcraft is enormous in the church today.
Therefore, it very important (crucial) to make sure that whomsoever prophesies to you is a Jesus Christ prophet. How do you know a false prophet/a true prophet? How do you know a person is not what they claim to be? Ask Jesus and wait patiently for answer.
People want prophecy but they cannot walk the Way for the prophecy to be fulfilled. It is easier to prophecy destruction to a person whose ways are of destruction than prosperity because it’s easier for them to walk to destruction than to prosperity.
Moses knew the children of Israel who came out of Egypt were rebellious and they will be destroyed in the wilderness. If Moses could have prophesied their destruction unto them, they could have abused, stoned and persecuted him.
The road you are walking on determines your destiny/destination – prosperity churches are lying to you; just look at the road you are on, it reveals where you are heading to.
The sad part as a prophet of God, is prophesying to people, revealing to them their destination but they will never come to the WAY which heads to their destination, therefore 24/7 you see them walking in roads heading to destruction. Later on, God only sends you will prophecy of their destruction for so are their ways.
Prophesies have been given to you, have you made it to the destination, to the fulfillment of the prophecy?
Be wise not a fool
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