This is the prophecy of Kenya terror attack as revealed to me in the early hours of morning on 4th November 2013.
Prophecy of Kenya terror attack
The executioners of the terror attack will be three men who God clearly revealed to me.
The fourth man will be assigned to ferry the three after the attack.
The target is three buildings in Nairobi CBD.
How the terrorists attack will be executed
The three men will plant remotely controlled powerful bombs in three buildings in Nairobi CBD and walk out to a hotel for a meal. It is in this hotel where they planned to be ferried from by the fourth man.
With the bombs remote control in their hands, they will trigger the bombs as they take their meals and a loud bang will be heard all over Nairobi city as the three building crumple down. Cries will be heard all over Nairobi CBD as people scatter for fear and safety.
Immediately the third man will be at the hotel door-step with a black tinted car, dressed in a clean black suit. Seeing their accomplice at the door-step, the three men will leave their meals on the table, into the car and straight to the airport and off they will leave Kenya.
Kenya Repent