This is prophecy of United States of America (USA) and Asia (China Korea) in War with Europe joining and Africa caught in-between as revealed to me on 20th March 2015.
I have had this dream severally ever since I was young and I could not understand it.
On 20th March 2015, I had exactly the same dream but this time I understood and it was revealed further than before.
And this is what I saw;
Prophecy of USA and Asia in War with Europe Joining and Africa caught in-between
I saw war
I saw United States of America and Asia in war
Two important Asia countries; China and Korea
As United States of America and China Korea war, Europe joined
Since Africa is in-between USA and Asia, Africa was caught in
Africa airspace was filled with USA and Asia weaponry
I saw all sorts of sophisticated weaponry in the air
And even weaponry these countries have hidden
I saw war planes fired at and coming down in flames
More of the war was in the air
As this took place, I heard a voice saying He is coming
I immediately started repenting because I did not want to be left
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand