This is prophecy of tribal clash massacre in Kenya as revealed morning hours of 5th and 7th November 2017
See the first prophecy of tribal expulsion coming to Kenya as revealed on 1st June 2014
Prophecy of Tribal Clash Massacre in Kenya
I saw tribes in Kenya rise against one another
Many Kenyans were killed
Women raped
In coastal areas I saw bodies being cast to the sea waters
Fire was all over the nation as properties were razed down city after city, town after town, and village after village
I saw Kenyans fleeing to camps
All neighboring countries opened their doors to take Kenyans as refugees
Fire and blood engulfed Kenya
And God said to me, ‘there is nowhere safe in Kenya’
2007-2008 post-election violence was a child-play compared to what I saw – it was also spoken in 2011 in Kenya Prophecy: – Death of Kenya President and Earthquake
Pray brethren, Pray
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand