This is prophecy of riots in Nairobi Kenya as revealed to me on 27th October 2014 in the early morning hours.
Prophecy of Riots in Nairobi Kenya
A big debate about a certain issue rose in Kenya
Governors, senators and the parliament took their stands
And the country was divided
I saw the governors in a Nairobi rally addressing the public
As they spoke, commotions began and suddenly riots
Police came in quickly
I heard sounds of bullets
People scattered for safety as others fought
I asked God, ‘is this the start of riots you talked of through many of your servants?’
He answered, ‘Yes, it is the start’
Repent! Repent! Repent! Kenya
Sin no more
Jesus Christ is coming
Come Lord Jesus (Rev 22:20)
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand