This is prophecy of President Uhuru Kenyatta resentment by Kenyans as revealed on 1st May 2020.
Prophecy of President Uhuru Kenyatta Resentment by Kenyans
Before 2013 Kenya General Elections, Uhuru Kenyatta enjoyed a favor from God which made him the elected president of Kenya
It was God’s will for Uhuru Kenyatta to be the president as seen in Kenya judgement prophecy 2011
This was not the David favor but the favor God gave to Saul making him the king
As people celebrated king Saul, Samuel was crying
And I told you that through Uhuru Kenyatta as your president, Kenyans you will cry
As of 1st May 2020, God has totally taken away that favor
Uhuru Kenyatta will now face full resentment and rejection from Kenyans
They will want nothing to do with him
And he will rise as a dictator with an iron fist
He will go against the same people he rules
Crashing and if possible torturing and killing them
But the more he does it, the more the resentment and rejection from Kenyans
He will totally not recognize his Deputy William Ruto
William Ruto will totally be done away with and not be wanted anywhere near him
His rulership now will be a one man show (helped by his appointees)
The more he does this, the more Kenyans will resent, reject and rebel him
The end is at hand
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand