This is Prophecy of Physical Coming of Evil Beings on Earth as Revealed July 2024
Prophecy of Physical Coming of Evil Beings on Earth
A Company of Humans on earth are working with Evil Beings
All in vain they have tried to locate and open a ‘gate’
And God allowed it
The Company focus its instruments at a particular direction and area in the firmament of the heavens
Bright lights lit up the skies
The ‘gate’ was opened
Waters above the firmament were troubled
Earth rained in a season no rain is expected
God was merciful upon the Earth
His Angels mended the firmament sealing the waters
Through the open ‘gate’ the first ‘being’ came out
Its legs where on earth
Its head in the heavens
It stood with the opened gates in between its legs
And beings of the past started coming out unto earth
Terrible Beings of different forms and shapes
Beings not seeing on earth since the times of Noah
Evil walking physically on earth with humans
Woe unto inhabitants of earth
As it was in Noah times before the Flood so it is
Terror has come on earth
Who can escape these evil?
Is this ‘Evil’ already walking physically on earth with humans?
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand