This is prophecy of Kenya Supreme Court ruling against Raila Odinga in a presidential petition as revealed in the morning hours of 28th August 2017 and 9th September 2017.
Prophecy of Kenya Supreme Court Ruling Against Raila Odinga
In the morning hours of 28th August 2017, I found myself listening to Kenya Supreme Court proceedings of a presidential petition
The presidential battle in the court was between Raila Odinga and the ruling government
The court ruling was read and it was against Raila odinga – the court declared the ruling government the winner of Kenya Presidency
And I heard President Uhuru Kenyatta giving his winning speech
In the morning hours of 9th September 2017;
I saw an election in Kenya exactly like the previous – with massive rigging
Raila Odinga pushed by those close to him went to the Supreme Court
I saw the Kenya Supreme Court in fear
They presented the ruling to me before reading to the public
The ruling was against Raila Odinga giving the government victory
Raila Odinga and his close people were astonished for they expected the court to rule in the same manner as the previous ruling of a presidential petition
And God said unto me that both revelations are one
A leader is either chosen and anointed by God then rises to leadership or chosen and anointed by Satan (prince of darkness) – you can be chosen but not anointed. Elections (people) only confirm what spiritually has being done
Leadership is a position of power and for you to rise to leadership you must be under power e.g Kings in Israel were under prophets (God Power) for them to rise to leadership
When you are led by the blind will you not fall into a ditch? (Mt 15:14)
Where revelation is, there is the Way, Truth and Solution
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand