![Prophecy of Earth Tremor Announcing Coming Earthquake in Kenya](https://www.christiantruthcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/earth-tremor-1-1024x529.jpg)
This is prophecy of Earth tremor announcing coming earthquake in Kenya as revealed to me on 30th December 2015.
A historic earthquake is coming to Kenya as prophesied in 2011
See Death of Kenya president and earthquake
God told me on 30th December 2015 that He will announce the Earthquake with a tremor
In 2011 when God revealed earthquake coming to Kenya, I saw the quake shake entire Kenya and I asked God if this could be because I have never seen a quake shake entire country
And God told me that He will answer me with a tremor
A tremor shook Kenya entirely in 2012 – God answered
Prophecy of Earth Tremor Announcing Coming Earthquake in Kenya
I was in a place (building) which God has taken for His Last Minute Revival Gospel (Jesus is Coming)
The building was fully packed
As I taught, God told me to announce an earth tremor coming to Kenya
And these words came out of my mouth,
‘A violent earth tremor is coming
It’s announcing the coming earthquake …….’ (Other words are sealed until the right time)
And immediately as I finished saying this words
A violent earth tremor shook Kenya
The building we were in shook violently and the people were afraid
I told them not to fear for God is here with us
The tremor passed with no damage and no person was hurt inside the building
Panic and fear fell on Kenyans
Earth tremor is coming to Kenya
It’s announcing the coming earthquake as prophesied
Your judgment has come Kenya
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand