This is prophecy of clouds falling and moons appearing close to the sun as revealed to me on 10th February 2015.
Prophecy of Clouds Falling and Moons Appearing Close to the Sun
I saw light dark clouds moving so close to earth
Some were falling to the ground
The sun was visible in the skies
Suddenly moons appeared close to the sun
Humanity stood stunned watching
I said, ‘look closely, there are 3 moons as prophesied’
(Here is the prophecy: – Prophecy of moons accompanying the sun)
2 crescent moons and a full moon could be seen close to the sun shining brightly
One crescent moon was bloody
Then the voice come shouting
‘Repent repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’
Very soon this sign and wonder will be in the skies
And indeed I testify, ‘Jesus is coming’
Also see prophecy of 8 moons in the sky and prophecy of 3 moons in the sky