This is the start of Kenya prophecy journey as revealed to me starting with famine in Kenya

God loves Kenya but the nation has became disobedient and rebellious.
Kenya is blind, asleep, and God has appointed prophets to awaken the nation. Kenyans have neglected the voice of God given by prophets.
Kenya prophecy journey
I am taking you back to recall everything that has been happening to Kenya. I am taking you through a journey, from the past to present for you to understand the future, and what God has been doing to awake Kenya and the final Kenya judgement if she does not repent.
Post election violence prophecy 2007 – 2008
Prophet Dr. David Edward Owour in 2004 was sent to Kenya with a message of repentance. He revealed the 2007 horrific bloodshed in Kenya but Kenyans heeded not to God’s voice.
The consequences were clearly seen after the 2007 elections. Blood was the price to pay but Kenya did not repent. The nation is still asleep up to today.
Famine in Kenya as revealed to me in end march 2011
In the last days of March 2011, an angel of the Lord visited and said to me,
‘Famine is coming to Kenya like a wild-fire. This is because the people of Kenya have turned away from God and they are sinning and believing in themselves not in the Lord Jesus Christ. This famine is to awaken the sleeping nation and the church to repent and turn their hearts and their whole self to God’.
The angel took me through a journey revealing how famine will affect and kill Kenyans. He took me to all areas in Kenya that will be affected revealing the effects of this famine and its wild-fire damage.
After this revelation, I looked at Kenya and cried because of what I saw coming down.
Famine in Kenya prophecy fulfilled
In June the media, CNN being in the forefront, aired the situation of a famine arising in Kenya. Kenyans realized something was wrong and the president, Mwai Kibaki, went ahead and declared the famine a national disaster.
Christian media station in the country like Hope Fm and Family Media called all Kenyans to pray. Prayers were held in the first week after the media revelation of famine and that was the end of seeking God to intervene and heal the nation. (Remember the prayers held at Uhuru Park)
The famine situation turned worse and every one learned of it in the start of July 2011 and Kenyans opted to use their brains and muscles to solve the problem (which was not bad idea) but they totally forgot their savior God becoming their own gods.
Kenyans for Kenya campaign was launched and it became the hype of the entire nation. With big corporates like the Safaricom Foundation, the KCB Foundation and Media Owners Association of Kenya unveiling their appeal, the hype was taken to another level. Big-up to this corporates and many others including Red-Cross who come up to help dying Kenyans.
When Kenya for Kenyans was taking place, Kenyans remembered God not.
I looked up to the skies and cried to God, carrying out the burden of the entire nation, asking God to stop pouring His wrath on the Kenyan people who have turned away from Him.
But God told me, ‘Not a single word will pass without been fulfilled’. He told me I should stop worrying about his own children (the true sons of God) because He will provide and take care of them.
Kenyan for Kenyans campaign was over in the month of August 2011 and I looked up to the Lord and I was frightened; God was so much bitter burning with fierce wrath looking at the nation Kenya.
Kenya had missed the whole point; they focused on themselves, their hands, muscles and what they could do, instead of looking up to their savior.
Immediately at that time, when Kenya for Kenya concert was over, God come to me to reveal the next Kenya prophecy.