No person is send to reveal who is true and false servant of Jesus Christ. No person is send to go pointing fingers at people, at individuals saying ‘this is a true servant of God’, ‘this is a false servant of God’.
Mk 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation
No Person is Send to Reveal Who is True and False Servant of God
We are all send to preach the gospel; Jesus Christ and His kingdom. See what the gospel is.
1Cor 15:1-4: Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received, and where you stand; By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures
Paul the apostle of Christ Jesus goes on to say,
We preach Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:23)
There are people who preach a human being and creation, and there are people who go out pointing fingers at individuals branding them false or true servants of God.
God has never send a person to go pointing fingers at human beings, individuals branding them publicly false or true servants.
Who reveals True and False servants of Jesus Christ?
1. The Truth – Jesus Christ
The Truth is Jesus Christ.
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
Reason the Holy Spirit is called Spirit of Truth (John 16:3) – Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Some people claim that Bible is the Truth. See the difference between the Bible and Jesus Christ
When you preach and teach people the Truth, Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, by that Truth the people are able to know and identify the lies thus know the True and false servants of Christ Jesus.
When you preach and teach people the doctrine of the kingdom of heaven, by that doctrine they are able to identify every doctrine of Satan and of the world.
There is a very clear difference between the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and gospel of kingdom of darkness including gospel of the world and traditions of man.
In the same manner, to know evil you must know good, to know counterfeit you must know the original, thus to know false you must know the Truth (all Truth).
Bible is not the Truth – you can cram and quote Bible verses but not have the Truth. A person can speak Jesus with his/her lips but not have Him in his/her heart (Mt 15:8). See how the Word moves from the body, to the soul and to the Spirit becoming Life
It is for this reason that whomsoever has the Truth has the Spirit of Truth; the Holy Spirit.
2. The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit comes in us when Jesus Christ baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. See baptism with the Holy Spirit.
I baptize you with water unto repentance but after me comes One who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (Mt 3:11)
You cannot say you have the Truth (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit has not come in you. Human beings only know the Truth when the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth has come in them.
John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the Truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
From the above verse you can see 3 functions of the Holy Spirit;
- Guide us into all the Truth
- Speak to us
- Tell us what is yet to come – reveal the future
In guiding us to all the Truth, the Holy Spirit separates us from falsehood thus separating us from false servants only leading us to the True Servants of Jesus Christ.
It is for these reason I told you, do not lead yourself to a gathering of believers, let the Holy Spirit lead you for He will lead you to a gathering or fellowship of Truth, of Jesus Christ. See a gathering of believers is not a church
By speaking to us, the Holy Spirit tells us what is True and what is false, what is good and what is evil, what is of Jesus Christ and what is not, what is of kingdom of heaven and what is of darkness, who is the True Servant of Jesus Christ and who is not.
When you have the Holy Spirit in you and you hear a person preaching teaching prophesying, the Holy Spirit in you will speak to you and reveal if the servant is of God or not, if the person is preaching teaching Truth or Not, if the doctrine preached is of heaven or not.
The person to tell you who is a True servant of Jesus Christ and who is not is the Holy Spirit but He will only tell you if He is in you
When the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you (John 14:17)
See the 3 relationships of the Holy Spirit with human beings; with, in and upon and the 2 major types of anointing
A person without the Holy Spirit has evil spirit and the evil spirit in him/her tells the person that the True servants of Jesus Christ are the false servants while the false servants are the True servants and leads such a person only to brood of vipers abusing slandering and persecuting those of Christ Jesus.
What leads people to brood of vipers?
- Evil spirit
- Not listening to the Holy Spirit
Who leads a person to a witchdoctor, a diviner, a sorcerer, soothsayer, to Jezebel, those not called and send by Jesus Christ, etc – evil spirit.
You have seen people who accuse and blame the brood of vipers, this is because these people have fallen into the hands of Satan servants because they know not the Truth and if they knew they obeyed not for the Truth is supposed to separate them from the lie, from brood of vipers.
Brood of vipers, servants of darkness, were there even in the times of Moses to times of Jesus on earth, and they will be there carrying out the assignment of their master Satan until Satan is cast in the lake of fire. Stop blaming them but learn all the Truth for the Truth to separate you from them.
How do you know a person or you have the Holy Spirit? Look if the fruits of the Holy Spirit are manifested in the person or you.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22)
See the evidence of Holy Spirit in a person.
False servants or brood of vipers lack fruits of the Holy Spirit but the fruits of evil spirit are evident in them. Jesus Christ cannot send you to preach His gospel without being filled with the Holy Spirit thus His fruits be manifested and evident in you.
3. Gift of discernment
Gift of discernment discerns spirits – it differentiates Holy Spirit and evil spirit.
Spirit of discernment is a gift thus not in every brethren, for every brethren has a gift different from the other but all One Spirit, One Body (1 Cor 12)
Let me give you my encountered with gift of discernment.
As I walked, a young boy about 10-13 years called me as she stood in front of her parent’s shop. I turned and went to the boy. The boy said unto me, ‘I have seen you severally pass here and you have Jesus Christ in you’. I was mesmerized because this is a stranger speaking to me. I asked the boy, ‘how do you know?’ The boy said to me, ‘I know’.
Then I sat down with the boy and the boy started identifying to me every person passing by, who has Holy Spirit and who does not, who is of Jesus Christ and who is not. I was amazed because what the boy was saying about every person was True.
And God amazed me of how He can give such a gift to a very young boy.
With the gift of discernment, you are able to identify the people of Christ Jesus and those not, the true servants of Christ and the false ones but it is a gift not in every brethren.
People come to me asking me if this and that is good or evil, if this and that person is a true servant of Jesus Christ or not, and I tell them that I am not send to reveal that for it’s the Holy Spirit who reveals that.
It is your work to pray and ask Jesus Christ if this is your servant or no and if you have Him, surely He will answer not the work of Jesus Christ servants to tell you who is of Christ and not – we bear witness, confirm what Christ Jesus has spoken to you.
Us, servants of Jesus Christ know every True servant of Jesus Christ, therefore when you come to ask us if this and that is person a true or false servant, it is not that we cannot answer but we are not send to do that.
When you know that person is a false servant, a brood of viper, you do not go out preaching the person or pointing fingers at the person but preach Jesus Christ crucified. Unless God sends you to the person or the person comes to you, be silent.
There is no point of pointing fingers at a person and through you that person cannot meet or be led to Jesus Christ in power and be delivered from the demons chaining him/her.
Bible says we expose evil and darkness (Eph 5:11) but there is a difference between exposing darkness and evil and exposing a person. Majority of the people claiming to expose darkness are exposing people.
There is a difference between rebuking sin and rebuking a person with love. Majority of people claiming to rebuke sin are rebuking people with hate thus instead of drawing them to Christ Jesus for deliverance and salvation, they are making them flee and see Christ in bad-light.
When you are send to rebuke a person, you are not only send to rebuke them but bring them to Christ Jesus for their deliverance and salvation. Rebuking does not cast out the evil spirit making the people do what is wrong and evil but only Jesus Christ does reason we rebuke in love.
When God told me to expose darkness of single mothers, i did not expose an individual but exposed the darkness. Though many women persecuted, those the light was made to realized their sin, repented and many have testified how God opened their door to meeting their husband and marriage – God covering sin; My God covers sin (Psalms 32:1).
Jesus come for sinners not brood of vipers, priesthood of darkness – there is a difference between sinners and brood of vipers. If they were not saved when Jesus (God) was with them on earth, why do you think you can bring them to salvation?
Unless Jesus Christ has send you to an individual viper, do not go to rebuke brood of vipers
Do not rebuke a scoffers, or they will hate you (Prov 9:8)
Majority of people busy rebuking brood of vipers are not send thus the vipers are tearing them apart with curses unknowingly. God only protects where He has send you – where you have send yourself there is no protection nor provision.
People who go out revealing who is a true servant of Jesus and not are abusers, gossipers, slanderers and persecutors who preach a human being not Jesus Christ.
See gossip and slander will take you to hell
They wage war against a human being, their enemy is a human being. Our enemy is Satan and our war is against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places not human beings, flesh and blood (Eph 6:12).
Without love you cannot preach Jesus Christ in Power. Stop abuses, gossip, slander, persecuting, fighting human beings, branding people false or true but stand in the gap for their salvation if indeed you know they are false or be silent.
It’s not your work to tell people who is true and false servant of Christ Jesus, those surely of Christ will know them and the Holy Spirit will separate those His from brood of vipers.
No person is send to reveal to you who is a true servant of God and who is not – that is the work of the Holy Spirit
If you have Holy Spirit in you, you will be drawn to true servants of Jesus Christ but if you have evil spirit in you, you will be drawn to every brood of viper, priesthood of darkness, as you abuse slander and persecute those of Christ Jesus and brethren.
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand