I was in heaven and this is my testimony.

I asked God several questions which I could neither understand nor find answers. God come and to answer me, He took me to heaven. This was in the year 2011.
One of my questions was;
What role does all other religions; Hindus, Islam, Babylon system, Roman, etc, play in God’s plan?
I knew for sure that it is only the Bride of Jesus Christ who will inherit heaven.
I was in Heaven: – My Testimony
A voice called me, ‘Joshua, Rise up and follow me’.
I was immediately taken to a place I could not recognize until I heard another voice calling me.
I looked at where the voice was coming from and LO! My eyes met again one-on-one with The Risen Glorified Son of God; Jesus Christ.
He looked exactly as I saw Him in my testimony of how Jesus Christ appearing to me.
He said to me, ‘Joshua, come’.
I was taken to a big screen. A hand took a remote, switched on the screen and a voice said, ‘watch’.
My entire life played in the big screen like a movie as I watched; how God created me, me being in my mother’s womb, to my birth and every single detail of my life up to the year 2011
I saw myself crawling, playing in dangerous places in the village when I was a kid. I saw God delivering me from a lot of dangers I could not see as I grew up.
I saw myself in the fields shepherding my father’s flock as I used to.
I saw how I rebelled the roman catholic doctrines. Majority of the people in the village I grew up in are Catholics and I saw each single person in the screen.
The hand then switched off the screen exactly at the point I am today (year 2011) in my life and I was amazed.
Immediately I was taken up into heaven.
My future was then fully revealed to me (It is personal; only between me and God).
In heaven, Jesus told me to look for the people I saw in the screen; my friends in the village who I grew with and all other catholic neighbors. No one was in heaven.
I was told to look down to earth. I looked. Yes! they were there. They had not made it in rupture.
I started crying but Jesus quickly interrupted, ‘Stop crying they still have a chance in the great tribulation period. Come, let me show you how they worship and praise the devil’.
Every doctrine was revealed to me and how they have erred; not worshiping the true living God ‘I AM’.
I started teaching what I was taught in heaven in the following articles;
- Salvation only by grace through faith
- Truths about Jesus,
- the Antichrist,
- truth about Mary mother of Jesus,
- the roman catholic church,
- love of money,
- essential building blocks of Christianity and
- apostasy of the church today.
Also see
1. False prosperity gospel leading millions to hell
2. Ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing
Hear this from me and if you do not agree with it ask Jesus Christ to confirm it to you.
No person in the Roman Catholic Church will make it to heaven unless they repent and move out of the beast.
See the four beastly kingdoms as revealed by Daniel in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
The Roman Catholic church is the old Babylon worship system and the persecutor of all true God servants and any person in this beast will not see the kingdom of heaven unless they repent and move out.
I have nothing to gain by hiding this from you now.
Move out of the beast
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand