Leave your father and mother for marriage – to be joined be one flesh with your husband/wife. This is a God’s command.
Gen 2:24: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh
Mt 19:5: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh
Eph 5:31: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh
Any person who does not leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife to become one flesh is in disobedience and rebellion.
When it’s said ‘leave father and mother’ it means leave your entire family including siblings, relatives, even village and everything of them as you will see in Abraham below
Leave Your Father and Mother For Marriage – A God’s Command
When Abraham took a wife, God told him to get out of his father’s house and family
Gen 12:1: Now the LORD had said unto Abram, ‘Get out of your country, and from your family, and from your father’s house, unto a land that I will show you’
If Abraham left his father, mother and people, how can you claiming to be of Abraham not leave your father, mother, relatives and people to be one flesh with your wife/husband – to have a marriage?
There are 3 reasons God told Abraham to leave his father and mother, and those are the same reasons we must leave our father and mother for marriage. These are;
- To have a marriage
- To be separated from foreign gods and idols of our parents and forefathers/ancestors
- To be delivered from generation curses
1. To have a marriage
What is a Marriage?
A marriage is two joined together to be one flesh – a marriage is only for two. Children are blessings to a marriage.
Any other person in a marriage is a stranger
If your mother, father, siblings, relatives, in-laws, friends, chamas, etc, enter in a marriage, a marriage stops being a marriage – a marriage breaks (put asunder); separation and divorce will follow.
Any person who puts a marriage asunder is cursed. Any person who enters to break/separate two joined together is cursed. See cursed is who puts a marriage asunder.
Therefore cursed is your father, mother, siblings, relatives, in-laws, friends, chamas, etc who puts a marriage asunder.
When a person does not leave his/her father, mother, relatives, siblings, etc for marriage, a marriage dies, ceases from being a marriage.
There is no marriage which survives when your father, mother, siblings, relatives and your people enter it; separation and divorce follows. They are strangers and they destroy a marriage because a marriage is only of two joined together.
A person who has not left his/her father, mother, siblings, relatives, etc for marriage cannot build his/her marriage, home and family. Why?
Because the person will be channeling his/her energy, time and resources to his/her father, mother, siblings, relatives and people instead of building his/her own.
You might have seen people in marriage who work taking all their money and resources back to their parents or relatives. You have seen people in marriage who take what is in their marriage house back to their parents, siblings, relatives and people. These are people who have not left their father, mother, siblings and people.
You have seen marriages where when the husband buys something, he finds later that it was given by the wife to her relatives. This is a woman who has not left her people for marriage.
A person who has not left his/her father, mother, siblings, relatives, etc cannot stick to his/her marriage – the person will be running to and from his/her people.
You have seen wives who keep running back to their father, mother, siblings and relatives for the husband to go back for them. These are women who have not left their people.
The main reason a person married runs to and fro his/her people is because they have not left them for marriage.
They oath for ‘better and for worse’, testify they have left their father and mother to be joined together to be one flesh, then why do they keep running to and fro their people? Because they lie – they utter lies; they are liars.
If they could have truly left their father, mother and people, they could stay for ‘better for worse’ as they oath but because they lie to man and God, to earth and the heavens, they run back to their people.
It is a sin to oath and not fulfill the oath. When you oath, the oath binds you and if you do not fulfill it, it stands against you.
A person who has not left his/her father, mother, siblings, relatives, etc, his/her close friends are his or her people.
These are people who do what their people say. They take advises from their people. Their people control their marriage like a puppet. Reason you see a mother in-law dominating and controlling the marriage of their son or daughter.
Leave your people, father, mother, siblings, relatives, etc and take no advice from them to your marriage. Marriage is only between you and your husband/wife.
A person who has not left his/her father, mother, siblings, relatives and people, his/her people claims her/him.
You have seen people, fathers, mothers, siblings, relatives, in-laws who claim their son or daughter – they say ‘s/he is ours’.
When you marry and get married, the person who has right to claim you on earth and in heaven, say ‘s/he is mine’ is only your spouse.
Your people, relatives, siblings, etc have no right to claim you from your spouse. It is up to you to stand ground and tell them, ‘I am my husband’s/wife’s’ – but you cannot do this if you have not left them.
Your people claim you from your spouse because either you have not left them or they have not truly let you go to your marriage. They oath and claim with their tongues in witness of people, earth and the heavens that they have given you to your spouse, but yet claim you because they lie – they are liars.
If a person does not leave his/her father, mother, relatives and people, their husband or wife becomes ‘our husband/wife’.
Reason you find a man has a wife but his wife is the helper of his people not him alone – she cooks, washes, does chores, etc, for his people. Your wife is your wife not the wife your father’s, mother’s, siblings or your people.
Reason you see a wife taking her husband’s resources money to her people, everything her husband buys she takes to her people, she shares bed secrets with her people (defile bed), opens her marriage and husband to her people, etc. Your husband is your husband alone not your father’s, mother’s, siblings or your people.
When your people get into your marriage, they will not come in respect and submission but to fight for positions not theirs and have no right for. You find they want to be the head, to control the marriage while that is husband’s duty therefore a fight will ensure which will put the marriage asunder. They want to dictate how you should cook, wash, make your home, while that is wife’s duty and thus a fight will ensure and put the marriage asunder.
When this happens, you must stand together as a husband and wife with no one supporting the foreigner in your marriage, be it your father mother siblings relatives etc and bring them to submission or get them out of your house.
The problem we have is people in marriage supporting and defending their people. The only person you are supposed to defend and support with all your energy and strength when in-laws or any person comes between you is your husband/wife even if s/he is right or wrong (if s/he is wrong you will sort that out the two of you only).
If you have truly left your people, you must be thinking, spending your time, resource and money in your spouse and building your marriage, home and family otherwise you are yet to leave your people to marriage.
Many people want to be married and marry but many are not yet ready for the marriage. They want to be married but not leave their people. They want to be married but be married to others, their people, siblings, relatives and also be married by other things. Reason we have many weddings but not marriages.
Instead of praying for husband or wife, pray God to prepare you for marriage. In God, God giving you a wife or husband is guaranteed in the same manner it is with being blessed if you first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
If you are not receiving God guarantees (promises), the problem is not God but you. Evaluate yourself and tell God through the Holy Spirit to reveal to you were you are astray.
When you marry, both of you must get far from your people and go start a home – a family. It is against God to marry and live/stay/build in your father’s/mother’s homestead.
Africa and many traditions and cultures tell you that when you marry to build a house next to your father’s and live there with your wife. Africa cultures and traditions and all traditions and cultures are against God. If you are of Abraham be fully of Abraham otherwise of Satan.
You cannot have a marriage without leaving your father mother siblings and your people. Many have wedded but they do not have a marriage.
2. To separate you from foreign gods and idols of your father mother and people
Abraham’s father, Terah, worshiped and served idols. To separate Abraham and his household from serving this idols, God told him to get out of his father’s house.
When God tells you to leave your father and mother, He is separating you from the gods and idols of your parents and ancestor. Every person under their parents and people serves the idols and gods of their parents.
Marriage is a door to your deliverance if you obey God to leave your father mother relatives and your people. It delivers you from idols and gods of your people and ancestors for you to find the True Living God and walk with Him like Abraham.
You cannot get in marriage and walk with Jesus Christ if you have not left your father and mother.
3. To separate you from generational curses
Leaving your father mother and people is first step of God delivering you from generational curses – you are cut and separated from that generation and bloodline that generational curses have no right to claim you.
Generational curses are passed from one generation to another. Generational curses are caused by demons.
Generational curses include diseases like cancer, blood pressure, tumors, madness, dysfunctional marriages, not getting married, divorce, separations, single mothers, prostitution, sexual immorality, poverty, barrenness, etc.
Generational curses are not healed by medicine or solved in any other way except by Jesus Christ. Example;
Cancer is a generational curse. When a person gets cancer and runs to medicine not Jesus Christ, medicine only suppresses the effects of the demon in the body but the demon is still in you. The demon will kill you or wait for your children – it chooses one of them or all. Reason people with cancer you hear they are healed by medicine but all over a sudden they are dead.
And all generational curses act in the same manner. The only solution is to run to Jesus Christ – He will break the curse from you and from your children, children children’s and your generation.
Do you know why when families unite or people come together in name of family they must kill a goat, cow, etc? Because that is what their ancestors did. The people are claiming their allegiance to their ancestors and in this blood must be shed as their ancestors did to appease demons – it doesn’t matter if you are doing it ignorantly or knowingly. In other words, they are giving demons right to rule them thus generational curses.
Majority of people problems are unbroken generational curses.
God cannot deliver you from generation curses when still claiming allegiance and attached to your people. Because even if He delivers you from the generation curse now yet still not left your people, 7 more demons will come in you with more curses and be worse.
Marriage is a door of deliverance from generation curses if you obey to leave your father mother siblings relatives and people. Every person who has not left his/her mother father and people is followed by generational curses in marriage.
Search and ask the Holy Spirit for generational curses not broken in your life. Before you marry or get married, look at your partner’s family lineage and see the generation curse you both have to deal with if that person is ready to leave his/her people.
If people call you to their family gatherings and unions, remember they still claim you as theirs and demons have right to place curses upon you like to your people if you follow your people.
If you are not ready to leave your father mother relatives and people, do not get into marriage because you will make another person’s life miserable with your rebellion and disobedience to God
Leave your father mother siblings relatives and your people to be joined to your husband/wife and be one flesh
Marriage is two joined together to be one flesh, any other person is a stranger
Do not allow your people or in-laws to enter your marriage; they are strangers, and do not allow them to claim you; you are your husband’s/wife’s.
Your wife is your wife only – give her alone the love of a husband to a wife
Your husband is your husband only – respect, submit and serve him alone
Obey God and fear Him
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand