Kenya is a country owned by one man and Kenyans are slaves of this man as revealed in the year 2016. See Kenya a country owned by one man
Kenyatta is the man who owns Kenya and all Kenyans are his slaves.
Kenyatta – The Man Who Owns Kenya (Understanding)
The country Kenya is a one man’s personal property – Kenyatta. He owns everything in her, all her wealth and riches, and the people are his slaves.
From the Kenya economy security financial systems judiciary parliament senate wildlife agriculture exports and imports to every hook and nook of Kenya, Kenyatta owns rules and dictates.
All Kenya parastatals institutions and companies created to better the lives of Kenyans and Kenya, are all Kenyatta tools to enrich himself, enslaving Kenyans the more and his war weapons. They include Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Kenya Airways (KQ), Kenya Meat Commission (KMC), Kenya Police, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC), Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), Kenya Railway Corporation, Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), etc.
Kenyans in their minds think that the parastatals institutions companies work for them because that is the lie sold to them but the truth is, they work for Kenyatta afflicting Kenyans
(If God allows, I’ll share how Kenyatta enriches himself with them as Kenyans pay the price … Kenya Airways the example)
Kenyans wake up early, working day and night, thinking they are working for themselves, to better themselves but the truth is they are all working for Kenyatta. Kenyatta has systems in place to take the money from Kenyans pockets to his – over 90% of every coin with Kenyans will make its way to Kenyatta pockets.
Kenya parastatals institutions companies are Kenyatta weapons of war upon Kenyans themselves – when an individual rises against Kenyatta, they are used to crush that individual to submission. You all know how KRA, Anti-corruption Commission, Kenya Police, Kenya Judiciary, etc, have been used to crush many people to submission.
Kenyans elect their leaders e.g., governors, Senators, MPs, etc, thinking that these people are going to work for them, represent them, without knowing they are heading to work for Kenyatta, be his slaves. Naïve individuals get elected thinking they are going to represent their people and better the lives of Kenyans only to realize that when you get elected you become a Kenyatta slave, working for him not for the people; your work is to help Kenyatta afflict and enslave Kenyans the more for his selfish gain.
Every Kenya house of representatives e.g., Kenya Parliament, Kenya Senate, etc, claiming to represent Kenyans is a lie but all are slaves of Kenyatta and his tools to enslave afflict Kenyans the more.
Example; The cost of living for ordinary Kenyans is beyond their reach, all because of these houses of representatives making rules and laws under Kenyatta dictation that afflict Kenyans the more as money goes to his pockets becoming more wealthier.
Why are all these parastatals institutions and companies mismanaged corrupt and money disappearing to individual pockets as they get impoverished? Why is Kenyatta giving army these parastatals institutions and even Nairobi County? See Prophecy of Uhuru Kenyatta to use appointees to rule
Kenyatta has 2 highly-rated servants – Moi and Oding’a
Moi has been a loyal Kenyatta servant while Oding’a is sometimes rebellious, reason he gave the presidency to Moi not Oding’a. Remember Kenyatta is the man who deicides who leads his personal property, Kenya – the person who becomes the president of Kenya.
Under Kenyatta blessings, these 2 highly-rated servants are allowed to own whatsoever the want in Kenya and do whatever they want with impunity like Kenyatta himself. They enjoy Kenyatta blessings until one becomes rebellious and is beaten to submission.
Reason you have seen every time Oding’a tries to fight Kenyatta, he is beaten to submission – Oding’a has no power neither authority over Kenyatta, he is just a Kenyatta servant.
To be an elected leader in Kenya (governor, Mp, Senator, etc), you are to be a Kenyatta slave or bow down and pay your dues (money) to one of his highly-rated servants; Moi or Odinga, otherwise, when elected you must do so or else be beaten to submission
Reason 99% of Kenya elected leaders, governors, Senators, Mps, etc are Kenyatta Moi Odinga sycophants, slaves, working for them not for Kenyans. See judgment of selfish Kenya leaders
Every elected leader be it governor Mp Senator etc you have seen being paraded in Kenya Media painted corrupt dirty bad etc, is all because they stood against Kenyatta. If you are a loyal Kenyatta servant or a loyal servant under one of his highly-rated servants, by impunity you live too.
Kenyatta is the man who determines who becomes a millionaire/billionaire in Kenya and who will not. To be a millionaire/billionaire in Kenya, you must bow down to Kenyatta and pay your dues to him (pay money to him) otherwise you are beaten to submission.
Every Kenyan millionaire/billionaire you have seen fought in Kenya by KRA, Kenya Police, Anti-corruption, etc, paraded in Kenya Media is Kenyatta fighting them for not bowing down and paying their dues to him.
Like Egypt to Pharaoh, Kenya is to Kenyatta and Kenyan’s are the slaves. Pharaoh chose some of the slaves to help him rule fellow slaves, so are some Kenyans given some authority by Kenyatta to rule fellow Kenyans but they are all slaves as the slaves they rule over.
Kenyatta is money wealth thirsty, who enslaves and loots Kenya to enrich himself in expense of Kenya and Kenyans. With every Presidency in Kenya, he becomes wealthier. He is very stingy and the word philanthropy (charity) exits not to him neither to his highly-rated servants.
He is the man who has ruined Kenya helped by his servants for all these years and he cannot allow Kenya to prosper because that it is fleeing the slaves and losing his personal property Kenya to Kenyans.
Kenyans are under slavery – Kenya is not a land of freedom.
Kenyans you cannot deliver yourselves, neither can your leaders, only God Will. Focus your eyes of Christ Jesus, Cry to Him your pains and afflictions, and He will deliver you, and Kenya will be a Second World Nation.
Kenya is under deliverance
(Next; Enmity between President Uhuru Kenyatta and His Deputy William Ruto – the understanding. Remember, before the enmity began, God had revealed and his servant had revealed it to you)
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