In the second Kenya presidential petition 2017, Kenya Supreme Court has declared Uhuru Kenyatta President Elect as revealed in the morning hours of 28th August 2017 and 9th September 2017.
See Prophecy of Kenya Supreme Court Ruling Against Raila Odinga
Prophecy Fulfilled: Kenya Supreme Court Declares Uhuru Kenyatta President
After the first presidential election on 8th August 2017 there was to be a second presidential election with massive rigging as said,
‘I saw an election in Kenya exactly like the previous – with massive rigging’
And there was to be a second presidential petition
In the second presidential petition, whether Raila Odinga was part of it or no, the ruling government was to be declared the winner and this has come to pass today 20th November 2017
This prophecy was followed by God word on 16th October 2017 saying,
‘Whether you elect Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga stalemate continues’
Then followed by a second revelation of Tribal clash in Kenya revealed on 5th and 7th November 2017. See second prophecy of tribal clash in Kenya
Kenya journey is long. See journey of a nation into a ditch then to swearing her president
Raila Odinga, your presidency is on a silver platter, not by your own effort or doings but the Lord’s. See prophecy of Raila Odinga president.
Jesus only needs you to know the way (the Lord’s way to presidency) and your obedience, then sit down and watch the Lord’s doings
But we know Satan himself surrounds you and has been lying to you year after year each time promising you presidency but leading you astray into a road presidency cannot be found.
If you continue in disobedience, you will be given the president but you will die at the throne as revealed in Raila Odinga death prophecy
Keeping away from the second election and petition was not your own doing neither effort let you be proud but Christ made it be according to His Will as known by His servants – the prophets. Remember people around you were pushing you to be part of the second election and even come wanting to be enjoined in the second presidential petition against the Will of God upon you
Kenyans pray, nowhere to hide now
The hand of God is upon you in full wrath
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand