Kenya prophecy – God has revealed His anger and wrath (judgement) on Kenya.
God revealed to me (before this Kenya prophecy) several prophesies on Kenya revealing His coming judgment and they were all fulfilled
- Oracle concerning Kenya part-1,
- Oracle concerning Kenya part-2,
- Oracle concerning Kenya part-3,
- Signs of God wrath on Kenya Churches revealed,
- Kenya prophecies being fulfilled,
- Vision of Kenya being carried to captivity and
- Kenya repent before your judgement day.
And on 2011, God revealed major signs of His wrath upon Kenya all fulfilled as listed;
- Famine (revealed to me in end march 2011. Kenya media and the entire country knew of it in may 2011 and the prophecy was fulfilled: See oracle concerning Kenya part-1).
- Everything in Kenya turning from worse to worse
- Workers strikes
- Kenya shilling depreciating to a historical low value
- Prices of goods and necessities going up beyond many Kenyan reach
- Living standard raising beyond many Kenyan reach
- Life turning tougher and tougher to many Kenyan citizens (2-7 revealed to me in 18th August 2011. Prophecy fulfilled from September to December 2011. See oracle concerning Kenya part-2)
- Kenya war in Somalia
- Kenya given out to captivity and terrorism (Bombs and grenade strikes to kill Kenyan citizens like flies for a given appointed time)
- Kenya bankruptcy (see oracle concerning Kenya part-3)
- International criminal court (ICC)
- Citizens lack of confidence with Kenya leadership and governance
- Death of several Kenya leaders
- Tension between different ethnic groups and eventually entire country
There are many God signs I have not given out for my protection.
And God send me with a message to Kenyans, ‘Kenya repent for God to repent His wrath upon you’.
From 2011, God has being taking Kenya through a journey to open their eyes and see, open their ears and hear but no one listens; for seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear nor do they understand.
Kenya Prophecy: – Death of Kenya President and Earthquake
Kenya prophecy was revealed to me on 18th August 2011
The mother and his son
I saw a mother who had a son about eight months old, holding him in her arms close to her chest lovingly. I was told to look beside her and I saw the devil (Satan) holding his fork (with three branches), red with blood twinkling from its stands (blood of those he has killed).
The devil scoop the child from his mothers arms with his three-stranded-fork and kill him. Immediately, I heard a voice talking to me explaining what that meant.
Prophecy meaning
The mother represents the country Kenya. She will bear a son whom she will adore dearly, highly optimistic that the son will give her the future she has being searching for many years.
The son is a leader who the people of Kenya will elect. About 8 months, he will be killed.
Then, Kenya will enter into a worse state than she was in 2007 (post-election violence). God first round of judgment to Kenya will be fulfilled and Kenya will be given a chance to repent before God pours His last judgment on her.
Then, what next if the Kenya does not repent after death of her president?
Earthquake hits Kenya
After vision of the first round of judgment on Kenya, I was taken and placed on a high ground for what will follow if Kenya does not repent.
A great earthquake which has never occurred in Kenya since her creation, shook every part of the country as I watched. It had a very high magnitude that buildings, trees and mountains come down causing huge destruction and deaths.
Awe filled every Kenyan man, woman and child as the earthquake shook up Kenya from dip down her roots. The earthquake was clearly within Kenya borders not touching on her neighbors and every Kenya land shook greatly.
Every man, woman and child will turn their eyes and hearts to the heavens and ask God for mercy and forgiveness as the earthquake brings Kenya down.
Yes! God will make Kenya repent her sins with this earthquake.
But in the earthquake something different is happening which the Kenyans cannot see or know. I will keep hidden as instructed.
I cried for Kenya but God strengthened me and told me I should not.
After this vision of the earthquake, I had a question. I have studied geography and in geography we read that an earthquake does not shake the entire country. And in reality this is how earthquakes occur on earth.
I kept asking God; how will an earthquake shake Kenya entirely?
On April 17th 2012, I prayed and before I slept, I had a voice telling me that God will answer my question tonight. I slept but I was awoken by an earth tremor with a magnitude I have never felt since I was born. That morning, all Kenya Media, social media and every Kenyan was talking of this earth tremor for it was felt all over the nation..
I knelt and thanked God.
Kenya I am calling you to repentance. Cry to God, repent and He will hear you and repent His wrath upon you as revealed.
Repent Repent Repent Kenya
Repent for God to repent His wrath
Update 2013
In 2013 when Kenya went to elect her leaders, the first part of God prophetic word was fulfilled as Kenya elected her son highly optimistic of a future.
See Kenya judgment prophecy fulfillment part-1
(to be continually updated as God word, Kenya prophecy is fulfilled)