This is prophecy of Kenya banking crises, the rise of lending rates as revealed to me on 22nd April 2016.
Kenya Banking Crises Prophecy – The Rise of Lending Rates
A list of Kenya banks was presented to me
I saw their once low lending rates
At one time some were at 6% as I saw
Suddenly I saw the rates rise to 16% – 20’s%
Immediately they rose again to 27% – 33%
I saw the bank which had a lending rate of 6% having a rate of 33%
So will the loan rates skyrocket
Then a voice came saying,
‘As the evil rich become poor, the righteous poor will become rich’
Crisis is coming into Kenya banking sector
It has already began as I saw because rates are now between 16% – 20’s%
And they will rise
The evil rich will be in trouble
But the righteous have nothing to worry
Because God is in control
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand