This is judgment of Kenya Drug Barons prophecy as revealed to me on 20th January 2017.
On 23rd December 2016, God revealed drug barons menace in Kenya. See vision of drug barons menace in Kenya
When God reveals, He already has the solution in accordance to His Will. Where the revelation is, there is the solution.
God does not just reveal but solves; provides/gives the solution
Judgment of Kenya Drug Barons Prophecy
I saw drug barons go after each other
Their servants, police men, gangs all went after each other
They clashed – they fought
Many died
Then I saw them fleeing as the war intensified
Only to be told that God has descended against them in war, as a Man of War, and they have stopped fighting each other to fight Him
But they could not stand ground against God, they fled
And God shouted to the remaining saying, ‘Confess your sins’
And I heard them confess of their sexual immorality
I heard a man confess of how he has taken another man’s wife in secret
I heard another man confess how he has taken another man’s daughter in secret
Drug barons, God is coming after you
He is coming to clean the drugs menace in Kenya
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand