This is the judgment of Jezebels against God and His servants as revealed to me on 12th and 19th November 2016.
Jezebels has risen against God and His servants mostly His prophets – they run after God prophets to kill them.
Jezebel is a false prophetess. She is sexual immoral, after marriages to destroy, after women to raise them be men, after men to conquer and rule them and she is very wicked. Her god is Baal and other false gods.
See A God prophetess is either married, widow or under a God servant and characteristics of Jezebel
Many Jezebels have risen against me (you have seen them and I will not name them here) and many are on the way coming to fight and this is their judgment as revealed.
Judgment of Jezebels against God and His Servants as Revealed
Some of you Jezebels will be cast in sickbeds and sicknesses will never depart from you until the day you repent otherwise you will die.
The rest of you Jezebels will be killed
Your supporters, followers and company will be thrown in great troubles until the day they repent or else perish
And your children will be killed as your families are thrown in great trouble
Some are already in the judgment and fast will the judgment come to every Jezebel who will stand on the way against Jesus Christ, His servants and His Will
And many women will be delivered from the spirit of Jezebel
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand