Jezebel is a spirit in many women today. How do you identify Jezebel – what are her traits?
In the bible there are 3 incidences we see Jezebel;
- Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of Tyre/Sidon who was married by King Ahab
- When Naboth refused to sell his vineyard to King Ahab, we see Jezebel
- Letter to Church in Thyatira, Jezebel is seen. See church in Thyatira
From these incidences, we get traits of Jezebel
10 Jezebel Traits – The Spirit in Many Women Today
1. Jezebel is a woman
Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of Zidonians who got married to King Ahab.
1 Kings 16:31 … that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus says to the church in Thyatira
Rev 2:20: Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because you allowed that woman Jezebel
Jezebel is a woman – a spirit in women
2. Jezebel loves authority and being in control
Jezebel loves being in authority and in control.
When King Ahab could not get Naboth vineyard, Jezebel rose to authority and control.
Women who control or want to control men have Jezebel spirit.
And these are the women who marry younger men than them to control the men – it’s against God’ order.
Adam was created first then the woman. An older woman must not marry a younger man.
Because of love of authority and control, women with Jezebel spirit fight for equality; they want to be like men – these are the feminists
A woman cannot be equal to a man. Adam and Eve are different and they cannot be equal.
4. She is manipulative and Loves to conquer
Women with Jezebel spirit are manipulative and love to conquer. They manipulate situations to their advantage as Jezebel in the Bible did.
5. Never accepts guilt and very defensive
Even when Jezebel did evil, killed Naboth and God prophets, she never accepted guilt nor repented.
Women with Jezebel spirit, no matter how wrong they are, they never accept nor apologize nor repent – they defend their evil actions. In the process they make you the guilty one.
6. Jezebel uses beauty and sex to her advantage
To conquer manipulate, gain authority and control, Jezebel uses beauty and sex
These are women who use beauty, sex and seduction to get what they want from men and they teach other women how to use their beauty and sex to their advantage – they are Jezebels.
7. Jezebel serves Baal
Baal was the god of prosperity, god of the harvests, god of fertility and sex
Baal is served today by many Jezebelic women and even men. The false gospel of prosperity and blessings is Baal worship.
Many churches are serving Baal not Jesus Christ – do not be fooled by them using Jesus name
Women who serve/worship prosperity, fertility and sex are Jezebels serving Baal.
Do not be fooled by them appearing like Christians – they serve Baal.
Every church led by a woman with Jezebel spirit is serving Baal – just look at what they preach; prosperity, fertility, harvest and sex.
8. Calls herself a prophetess
Jezebel calls herself a prophetess as said in the church of Thyatira (Rev 2:20)
She calls herself a God servant but in reality she is not
Many women calling themselves prophetesses and God servants today are not but Jezebels serving Baal.
Many have gone on to open churches – just look at the characteristics of their ‘so-called churches’ and see the traits of Jezebel. See what they teach; prosperity, fertility, sex, harvest; Baal worship
9. She is against true God prophets
Jezebel killed God prophets and she was against Elijah.
All women with Jezebel spirit her against God true prophets – they kill God prophets
Jezebel hates true gospel. As long as you are not preaching Baal Jezebelic gospel of prosperity, fertility, harvest and sex, Jezebel rises against you reason she hates God prophets.
True God prophets never preach Baal gospel of prosperity, fertility, harvest and sex.
10. Jezebel lies
Jezebel never says the truth. Lies are ready in her mouth.
Through lies Jezebel keeps herself unnoticed
Women with Jezebel spirit are liars – covering their evilness with lies
The above Jezebel traits are not exclusive. As you read the Bible, you will see more of her traits.
Jezebel leads and runs many so-called churches today. See characteristics of churches led by Jezebel for us to be able to identify them
Have you allowed Jezebel like the church of Thyatira?
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