Jesus Christ Neither Needs nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth

Jesus Christ Neither Needs Nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth
Jesus Christ Neither Needs Nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth

Jesus Christ neither needs nor wants your money or material wealth. He is a Rich God. He wants you not what you have (material things).

1 Chronicles 22:19 Now set your heart and soul to seek the LORD your God

Psalm 119:2 Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, and seek Him with all their heart

Jesus Christ Neither Needs nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth

Let me teach you about My Jesus;

1. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in it

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Neh 9:6 You alone are the LORD. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them and the heavenly host bows down before You

Can such a God who created the heavens and the earth and everything including you and me lack? No!

Can a God who created everything including me depend on me? No! Instead I am depended on Him and He doesn’t depend on me. He is a God with or without me.

The problem with people denying Jesus, blaspheming Him, etc, think that He will stop being God without them – it is the voice of the enemy. Jesus is God with or without you and me.

2. By word everything came to existence

God spoke everything into existence thus whatsoever He wants, He speaks it to existence

Can such a God who speaks everything to existence lack? No!

See carefully that when He needed to pay tax (money), He did not ask people to give but spoke it to Peter (Mt 17). When the children of Israel cried for meat, He did not tell them to slaughter their flocks as Moses thought (Num 11) – He spoke it. When they needed water, He spoke it.

Can such a God want your money and little material things you have? No!

Jesus is a God who does not depend on humans with what they have. He is self-sufficient God who speaks everything He needs/wants into existence.

3. On the Cross He became the sacrifice, offering, tithe, etc

If you look at the cross, what do you see?

I see everything and beyond everything. I see paid price, tithe, offering, sacrifice, etc – everything done and accomplished once and for all thus I am not chained by these things but living in bought freedom.

Every imagery of Old Testament tithe, sacrifices, offerings, atonement, etc is all Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament. If you make this things to be something else rather than Jesus Christ Himself, you create religion.

See anointing oil was a shadow of the Holy Spirit

One blindness which the enemy enjoys is making people not see the fullness and depth of paid price once and for all (Heb 10), though they may claim this with their lips and for this reason he chains/enslaves them – though claiming delivered/salvation, in reality they are still in Egypt.

4. Tithes, offering, sacrifices, money, etc do not please God

One thing God taught me from the word-go about my relationship with Him is that my money and material things will never please Him – Human’s money and material things never pleases Him.

He is only pleased by His Son, Jesus

Mt 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!’

Therefore as long as I am in His Son seeking Him day and night in obedience, He is pleased with Me

Today people are working hard to please God with their hard work, money, material things, etc, instead of only believing and having faith in Jesus Christ in obedience.

5. He is a God who adds/increases not steals or takes from you

Jesus Christ is a God who adds/increases not stealing or taking from you.

Mt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

The enemy does the opposite; he steals, takes from you for he is a thief

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy

One thing I know that takes takes takes and never adds/increases is religion, for I was in it and many are in it like I was. Many are serving a ‘god’ who only takes, doesn’t add. See Jesus is a God of not only words but action

6. Everything you have before God is poverty

Another thing God told me from the word-go is that everything I have, will ever have on earth, before Him is poverty.

If you do not believe this, go on top of a high mountain or tall building. Look at everything you see on both the heavens and the earth – they are all God creations and about 0.01% of Jesus Riches. If you compare what you see with everything you have, is what you have not poverty?

And this was the mindset of Abraham, knowing that everything he has is poverty before the Lord (it might not be so to humans), reason he sojourned his entire life looking for a city whose foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Heb 11:10).

It’s only a man who is poor before God, who will seek Him his/her entire life. If you feel rich before God, you will never seek Him for you do not need Him.

The sea is rich with water. Every water I have for myself is poverty as compared to what the sea has. I do not take the poverty I have to the sea, but I go to the sea to draw water, swim, clean myself, etc, for no matter how much I draw from the sea, the sea never feels a pint – it remains rich with water. And so is My Jesus and my relationship with Him.

From the above few Truths (pray for Holy Spirit to reveal more) you see clearly that Jesus Christ is a Rich God who does not want your money or material wealth.

When God tells you to give 10 dollars to a person, it is that person needing the 10 dollars not God. What God wants and is testing in you is obedience thus faith.

When Jesus tells me to give a person a 100 USD, it is the person needing the money not Jesus – Jesus is not only testing my faith through obedience but also testing if am worthy for all things to be added and for heaven.

When God told Abraham to go sacrifice his son, it was a test of Abraham’s faith in God, for faith is tested through obedience reason it is written, ‘by faith Abraham was reckoned as righteous’

True believe bears Faith, Faith bears obedience, obedience bears salvation while rebellion bears destruction (perishing). In Jesus Christ is all about obedience, for True Faith bears obedience.

When you hear them tell you to give because God wants your money or material things, know it is a lie. It is them wanting your money and material things. It is not your work to provide for a Jesus servant, church, ministry, etc but it’s the work of Jesus Himself.

God cannot tell you to give what He has not given you, what you do not have. He had to give Abraham a son for him to tell him to sacrifice his son. It’s only the enemy who asks you to give that you do not have.

God cannot tell you to give things not His, abominable and accursed things like loans, etc. Today people tithe loans – an abomination. See loans are tools of the enemy

When God tells you to give, obey, do it. Do not be moved by emotions, people, so-called-servants, show-off, inspirations and motivations, etc, to give but be led by God Himself for there is the reward (Mt 6) and kingdom of heaven.

Jesus Christ Neither Needs nor Wants Your Money or Material Wealth

He created the heavens, the earth and everything in them including you – what can you give Him? Only you; your heart, soul, and body His temple. See body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand