Is it God’s Will for Churches to Shut due to Coronavirus?
Is it God’s Will for churches to shut due to Coronavirus? This is a question many people have asked me or ask themselves.
Is it God’s Will for churches to shut due to Coronavirus?
When Coronavirus started eating the world, my brother asked me, ‘are churches going to be shut?’ I answered ‘Yes!’
And he said, ‘they will be mad because no more offerings and tithes’. I added, ‘they will still come with ways to continue feeding on the sheep’
After some few days, churches from country to country were shut down.
Is it God’s will for churches to shut due to coronavirus? Yes! Why?
1. What people call ‘church’ is not Church
What people call ‘church’ is a building, a house, a place, a religious institution or organization
When you hear a person say, ‘I am going to church’, or ask you, ‘which church do you go to?’, what they mean is a building, a house, a religious institution or a congregation of believers.
A congregation of believers is not a church. Demons believe too and when children of God gather, Satan and demons are amongst them.
The Church is Jesus Christ and Jesus is not divided but humans stole the church from Jesus, divided it and divided themselves
They institutionalized it, made it part of the state and government, made it a business, an enterprise, and mixed it with worldly/men traditions.
2. Worshiping of a ‘god’ called ‘a church’
One god of religion is ‘a church’ (buildings, houses, religious institutions, places and congregation/masses). They worship and serve the work of their hands.
Reason you hear them say ‘my church’, ‘our church’, etc, because its theirs not of Jesus Christ.
Over 98% of those who call themselves of Jesus are in religion worshiping and serving a religious god called ‘a church’ ‘my church’ ‘our church’ ‘Paul’s church’ ‘this and that church’ etc.
Do you know that people are worried about this ‘god’ called ‘church’ not their relationship with Jesus? Because it’s a god. When ‘gods’ are touched, the worshipers go mad.
Coronavirus cannot shut/stop Jesus same manner persecution couldn’t. Religion and its ‘gods’ are in confusion but those of Jesus are sowing higher in Him like eagles in this times of Coronavirus.
3. This ‘god’ has taken people from Jesus
This religious god called ‘church’ has taken people from Jesus Christ.
Today people worship serve care about buildings, houses, place, trees, idols in their houses of worship, etc, not Jesus Christ. The True church, flesh and blood, has being neglected for idols and gods.
God told me to watch them spray their ‘gods’ with disinfectants inside their churches because even their gods have no power against coronavirus.
Their worry is because their ‘gods’ are shut they cannot worship and serve them.
4. No secret times with Jesus
Because of this ‘gods’ called ‘churches’ individuals have no relationship at all with Jesus Christ.
Our God is in Secret (Mt 6) thus the key to have a perfect relationship with Him is always being in secret, you and Him.
When I tell a person, ‘tell me about your personal relationship with Jesus’, many answer, ‘I go to church blah blah blah’. Going to ‘church’ has nothing to do with your personal relationship with Jesus because Satan and demons go too.
Neither does going to ‘a church’ a foundation or a measure of your relationship with Jesus Christ. But the more time you spend in secret with Jesus, the better your relationship with Him.
In private, when a person is alone, it’s when a person knows if s/he truly has Christ Jesus or no. if you have no Jesus and you are alone, it’s when demons haunt and torment you well; you masturbate the more, watch porn the more, drink alcohol the more, voices speak to your head the more, etc, and in dreams they haunt and torment you the more.
Reason demons make people busy 24/7 for them not to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. And many people are afraid to be alone because they know how they will be tormented thus they keep themselves always busy.
We go to Jesus Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teacher to (Eph 4:12-16);
- Be equipped for works of service
- Be build to reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God
- Become mature
- Attain wholeness measure of the fullness of Christ
- Be no longer infants tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine and teachings
A relationship with Jesus Christ is began with you and Jesus, then the servants of Jesus will mature and grow you as they water on that relationship you have established. Wolves will do the opposite.
5. No Jesus Christ in your churches
Do you see miracles signs and wonders in ‘your churches’ or its reading history and shouting ‘amen’ and seeking and claiming blessings?
If you have been serving a God and that God cannot heal Coronavirus but people even those you know in your churches including the preachers are dying, wake up and flee!
There are many jesuses, many are using Jesus Name in vain and for other reasons, but few have the Jesus of the Bible.
It’s time to evaluate which God, which Jesus you have been serving.
Because of these and many other reasons, My God has a plan to open eyes of those His, deliver them and bring them to Him. By shutting what religiously is called ‘a church’ those His will be delivered.
Churches will be shut until those of Jesus are delivered for in their private times in their homes now, many will see the Truth, repent come back to Jesus Christ. And after coronavirus, He will lead them to His own shepherds.
Religious leaders want to push governments to open churches not that they want to pray (we pray in secret for our God is in a secret place) but because they are losing money. You have seen some of them die of corona yet they want you to join them, you will die in large numbers for you surely know Jesus Christ has never being/is not among you.
I am so happy and pleased with everything God is doing
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand