Speaking Bible verses upon yourself is witchcraft – it is incantation. The Bible was not written for you to take Bible verses and speak them upon yourself or over yourself.
What is incantation?
An incantation or enchantment is a charm or spell created using words.
Incantation is used by ritualists, occultists, witches (witchcraft), magicians, spiritualists, etc. Incantation or enchantment is of the kingdom of darkness not the kingdom of heaven.
Incantation – Speaking Bible Verses Upon Yourself is Witchcraft
Scripture (Bible) is a book to teach, rebuke, correct and train you in righteousness not to speak upon you
2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. See Bible is dead
The person to speak upon you is Jesus Christ. See difference between Bible and Jesus Christ
We have 3 main categories of Bible readers and so we have 3 categories of Bible readers in accordance to whom speaks to them. There are those;
- Who Bible speaks to them
- Who speak the words in the Bible (Bible verses) upon themselves
- Who the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit speak to
The people in the first 1st category above, Bible is their ‘god’. What is the result?
They are in religion, curses, diseases and sicknesses, poverty, etc, because the Bible cannot deliver, heal the sick, raise the cripple to walk, raise the dead, wash your sins away, etc.
The people in the 2nd category above are ‘a god to themselves’ doing witchcraft using the Bible. Witches today use the Bible. Satan quoted Bible verses to Jesus and thus his priesthood, priesthood of darkness use the Bible.
It’s only the people who the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit speak to who are the Bride of Christ or the sheep of Christ and Jesus Christ is their God. Reason Jesus said,
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27)
Jesus Christ is a jealousy God (Ex 20:5) who wants to be the only One speaking to you.
Ask any married man how he feels when other people e.g. friends, relatives, in-laws, are the one speaking and directing his wife not him. This is what Jesus Christ feels when another person or thing is speaking and directing His Bide (Wife-to-be).
A ritualist or witchdoctor speaks words upon you, objects or others creating a charm or spell (curse) which affects you, others or an object.
The creation was not created to speak upon itself but only hear from the creator but since Satan fell, he started speaking upon creation and created his rebellious doctrines and priesthood.
When you speak words upon yourself, over your life, it is incantation and this is a curse upon yourself.
As children of God, it is God only to speak upon us, over our life, over our situations, etc – it is the Father who speaks upon His Children, over the life of His children.
When you take Bible verse or verses or chapter and speak them upon/over yourself, what is the difference between you and a witchdoctor? That is incantation or enchantment – a witchcraft thriving in today church
In the scripture, you will never find a person or people who spoke Bible verse, verses or words of God upon themselves but it is God who spoke the words to them.
When you speak a word upon yourself, it is you speaking to yourself not God thus that cannot be ‘word of God’. When word proceeds out of the mouth of God to you that is the word of God.
Majority of words in the Bible was God speaking to others. You cannot take those words and make them yours, claim them or speak them upon yourself. It is God to speak those words upon you.
God spoke blessings to Abraham. Abraham never spoke blessings to himself neither did his own children, Isaac, Jacob speak their father’s Abraham blessings upon themselves. Do not claim blessings – it is Satanic. Instead pray and ask Jesus to bless you.
Do not take Bible verses chapters and speak them upon yourself, instead pray, tell Jesus Christ to speak a word now upon your life, situation sickness, disease, poverty, stagnation and you will live.
The Bible never teaches us to speak upon ourselves (incantation) but to ask, pray to the father or present our requests and supplications to the Father in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
And I will do whatever you ask in My name (John 14:13).
Jesus was God, He never spoke upon Himself but always in prayer asking His Father – why not you? Why have you become a ‘god’ to yourself doing witchcraft upon yourself?
You are in sickness because you have been speaking healing to yourself instead of praying and asking Jesus Christ to speak a word upon your disease sickness and you will be healed
You are in poverty because you have been speaking riches to yourself and working hard to be rich (Prov 10:22) instead of praying and asking Jesus Christ to speak a word upon your poverty and your poverty will flee from you and your generation forever
You are in curses because you have been speaking blessings to yourself instead of praying and asking Jesus Christ to speak a word upon your curses
Jacob never spoke blessings upon himself but when he wrestled with the God, he told Him to bless him. The ‘God’ was Jesus Christ and Jacob is blessed forever for Jesus spoke a word upon him. Instead of blessing yourself, tell Jesus Christ to speak a word upon you.
Instead of claiming blessings you have not been given, not yours, tell Jesus Christ to speak a word and bless you and you will be blessed indeed.
We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God – proceeds is a presence tense not past tense
If you have ever spoken Bible verse, verses, chapters upon yourself, over your life, you need to run to repentance and ask Jesus Christ to blot out the curse associated with your actions, cast out demons involved and delivered you
Yes! Speaking Bible verses upon yourself is cursing yourself.
Bible was written, God inspired it for it to teach, rebuke, correct and train you in righteousness not to speak to you but Jesus Christ to speak to you for you to live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth.
Word from your mouth can create nothing but word from the mouth of Jesus creates everything. He created the earth and the heavens and everything in them by a word (John 1). Instead of speaking to yourself, cursing yourself, ask Jesus Christ to speak a word upon you, upon your need and everything will be created for you.
List of witchcraft in the church today (Next)
Stop incantation. Stop witchcraft
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