Baptism with the Holy Spirit is the dwelling in of the Holy Spirit in a person. There is a difference between the Holy Spirit dwelling in and coming upon.
See what is baptism, baptism with fire and the 3 relationship the Holy spirit has with man
The dwelling in; baptism with the Holy Spirit, happens when a person accepts and believes in Jesus Christ. A person’s body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit becomes a church.
The dwelling in or baptism with the Holy Spirit happens to every person who truly accepts and believes in Jesus Christ. You became the true Bride of Christ and an heir of heaven kingdom.
Man-made Christians in churches today
Today Christianity is making and producing ‘man-made Christians’ and many calling themselves ‘men of God’ have twisted perverted and sweetened the gospel to cater for this group of Christians.
These Christians live in lies and they do not open their eyes to see the truth, coupled with the help of their ‘men of God’. They fight and stick to a lie, and because of their ignorance God has given them to their minds and darkness.
Ask yourself why the kingdom of heaven is for very few people while ¾ of the world claim to be Christians going to heaven?
Christianity is been Christ-like not associating oneself with Christ. It is a life-style not a bragging show-off affair. A true Christian walks the walk of Christ without struggling in any way because Christ’s yoke and burden is easy and light.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light Mt 11:30.
We are truly in the last days, End Times, and many have come in the name of Jesus Christ as Jesus prophesied, For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Mt:24:5) and truly they have deceived many.
True Christians in this world are very few (minimal and countable) and having been in heaven, I can stand and testify that the bible is true in saying that the kingdom of heaven is for very few people.
Many churches and their ‘men of God’ are leading large multitudes to damnation. Personally, Jesus has investing a lot in me and I can differentiate a true Christian and a man-made Christian because that is part of my ministry; to get the lost.
Who are true Christians?
True Christians are those who the Holy Spirit dwells in thus the son (Jesus Christ) and the father (God) are in them. They are the church, baptized with the Holy Spirit and their names are written in the book of life not by man but by God, and the father (God) knows them by their names.
Baptism with the Holy Spirit is done by Jesus Christ not by man. See What is baptism.
He does it at the right time when a person truly accepts, believes and confesses that Jesus Christ is savior in his/her heart. Good deeds or works do not lead to salvation and been counted as righteous.
Salvation is only by grace through faith
Every person who truly accepts and believes in Jesus Christ is baptized with the Holy Spirit.
How to know if you’re baptized with the Holy Spirit
You know you are baptized with the Holy Spirit if: –
1. You feel a person with greater power and control has entered or is in you.
Holy Spirit is a person. See the Holy trinity. When He enters to dwell in you, you feel Him.
You feel a person with great power and much control has overtaken your body and you feel the difference between your spirit, body and soul as they fight each other.
The fighting of the spirit, body and soul in a person happens entirely in his/her life and this is the Holy Spirit bringing the body and soul into subjection.
Holy Spirit takes over the control of the body and you can feel that it is not you who controls your body but Him. Look at the moving hand not attached to a body touching me.
At this point, you feel that it is not you who lives but the Holy Spirit in you and He makes your body a dwelling place thus His home, a church.
…and we (father, son and spirit) will come to him and make our home with him’ (John 14:23) and you can like say Paul, ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me’ (Gal: 2:20).
2. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are active in you.
Every person has the fruits of the Holy Spirit vested in him/her but it is until the creator dwells in you that they are activated. The dwelling in is baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Remember that God created man with His own image and likeness, thus every person has these fruits of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in, His fruits are activated and you do not find yourself struggling in portraying them in your life.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit are different from the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Fruits of Holy Spirit are in every person but the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to different men according to God will and grace.
The fruits of the Holy Spirit are; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, long-suffering and gentleness (Gal 5:22)
If you find yourself portraying all these fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life without struggling, the Holy Spirit dwells in you; you’re baptized with the Holy Spirit.
If you find yourself not portraying all these fruits of Holy Spirit in your life, the Holy Spirit does not live in you. You are not yet a Christian but just associating yourself with Christ.
Re-evaluate yourself and your life, and truly accept believe and confess Jesus Christ and He will definitely make you His dwelling home; baptize you with Holy Spirit.
Remember that you can accept and believe Jesus Christ today in your heart but the Holy Spirit does not come at that point to dwell in you. The baptism with the Holy Spirit or dwelling in takes place in different times to different people according to Jesus will.
See what is baptism
God bless you