This is my testimony of how I got tired of a god of all talk no action – a god who only talks talks talks but no healing, deliverance, no miracles signs and wonders.
How I got Tired of a god of All Talk No Action
I was in poverty, so poor that eating and clothing was a problem. Dogs were sleeping better than me.
Diseases and sicknesses were eating me, yes! Taking me to the grave – they tormented me. Doctors and the medical fraternity of the world gave up, they couldn’t help.
My nights were all nightmares. I was tormented afraid of night fall and a sleep (I partly shared this in the fellowship)
I was a curse, looked like a curse itself.
But as I faced all these like many of us today, here I was with a certain ‘god’ – a god of all talk no action. Church after church, preacher after preacher, believer after believer, this is the god I could find.
This god could preach with eloquence of speech, persuasive words, promise heaven blessings riches healing everything (with caption; depending on my works and giving him money); he was search a motivation and inspirational speaker using the Bible to entice and draw prey to his jaws.
I used to ask myself, this god is so promising; heaven blessings and all goodness, but is he that blind and uncaring that he cannot see my state on earth at present? A god of all talk no action.
All what I found outside there seeking God was this god; all what many churches, believers, preachers, etc, speak preach and testify of is this god – a god of all talk no action.
People go to church every Sunday, testify of a god, read quote and defend themselves with Bible verses, but beyond this false shadow is the reality; they are being tormented, afflicted, in diseases and sicknesses, in poverty, in loans, beggars, a curse, and you wonder, where is this god they are speaking of in their own personal lives?
They can brag and confess about a god but in reality their lives are different, a mess, not inline with their mouths or even the scripture they use. And I used to wonder, where is this god they speak off? Why has he not sorted their lives?
You find a preacher preaching as congregation claps and shouts, but beyond this lies the lie; the preacher is tormented, demons are chewing his flesh but confessing God a healer, he has become a pulpit beggar but preaching God the provider – and you ask yourself; is the god he is preaching so dead that he cannot see what he is facing presently; heal deliver provide for him?
In all this I realized that there must be another God, the God testified by the Scriptures (Bible) and I embarked myself on searching for Him. Leaving everything to do with the other god, his religion, churches, believers, programs, etc, I embarked on a journey alone.
And Yes! I found the God testified by the Bible. Not only did He call me by my name, He told me He knows all my afflictions torments and struggles.
He did not just promise me healing, He healed me of all diseases and sicknesses
Not only did He promise me provision, He clothed me, fed me, gave me a bed I can sleep peaceful at night. Not only a sleep but a sleep in fellowship with Him, no more nightmares.
He did not read history of His deliverances to me as written in the Bible but He delivered me in a twinkling of an eye, all my afflictions and torments vanished.
He revealed Himself to me, taught me Himself, Bible testified it. He opened my eyes and I realized the god of all talk talk talk no action is an idol, a false god – a lie!
From creation to the end, Scripture (Bible) does not reveal a God of all talk no action but a God of action, of works, of signs miracles and wonders – indeed a God of less talk and more action.
And when He came in flesh on earth, Jesus did not just sit on a mountain or a stool and talk talk talk, but action, wonders miracles were all part of Whom He is. This is the God I was all along looking for in my life. A God who does not just quote history of the Bible, who does not just speak but does Today!
Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion (Heb 3:15) … He is a God of Today Now Present – He does not deal with the future and forget the present.
I have no business at all with the god of all talk no action – that god is dead; he couldn’t heal deliver provide for me. Day and night I see people trying to push and promote this god of all talk no action even unto me, I just mourn for them because I was there.
Indeed, when you remove the false cover of crammed Bible verses, and you look personally in their lives, you will wonder where is this god they are talking off. Is he asleep, blind, deaf, that he cannot see their afflictions and torments today, right now?
First things when I found this ‘Action Oriented God’ taught me is that He needs no help from a human being; for He is a God. Indeed, all what I found with god of all talk no action is that he needs humans help – he can do nothing unless humans do; a dead poor god (next: Poor God Mentality – serving a poor god)
There are 2 gods;
- A god of all talk no action; talks talks talks does nothing, no miracles and wonders – the god of pharisees
- A God whose talk is accompanied by action works, miracles signs and wonders (He does more than He talks) – God of Jesus disciples
There are 2 jesus’es;
- A jesus who only talks and no action – no miracles signs and wonders
- A Jesus whose talk is accompanied by miracles signs and wonders
The first jesus is a demon, a counterfeit, a dead religious god. The Second Jesus is the True Christ testified by the Bible – a Living God.
Make a choice – I made mine
Advice; Get tired of that god of all talk no action because if you would, you will realize all this truth when in hell
Are there churches believers and preachers with God of miracles and wonders? Yes! But very few and Scripture testifies this saying … broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand