This is testimony of how I died and found myself entering heaven in May 2015.
As revealed in how Jesus Christ taught me never to question if He is with me, He revealed chest pains in me I never knew. It was a vision but that was to be real.
From the time of the vision 2014, let’s forward to May 2015 – the time the pain manifested itself becoming real.
How I Died and Found Myself Entering Heaven – Testimony
I spend the day with my friend moving
We parted as night fell and I returned to my place
As I opened the door, sharp pain pierced my chest close to my heart
It was like an arrow penetrating my chest
The pain increased so fast becoming unbearable
I lay on sofa waiting for the pain to ease and disappear
Few seconds, I found myself travelling in a tunnel
Light was increasing as I traveled in the tunnel
The light was bright white and very clear
The more I traveled the channel the more the light increased
At a point I started hearing noises
The more I traveled the tunnel, the more the noises increased
At a certain point, the noises become very loud that I could clearly hear them
It was people singing and there were other noises I could not know
Reaching a certain point in the tunnel, I started seeing heavenly creatures passing by in front of me
I saw Angels and other heavenly creatures pass by a far off
As I traveled closer, I saw a very white bright light coming to the point the Angels were passing by
As the light came near, Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me
He looked at me and said, ‘Joshua, It’s not yet your time, go back’
Immediately I woke up and found myself still lying on the sofa
The pain was no more – it had disappeared completely
I felt bad being returned on earth – that place was awesome seeing it from where I was and that is where I wanted to be
The next day I went to see a doctor to check the cause of my pain
I knew from the vision of 2014 what it was and doctors and world medicine had nothing to do with it
After tests, the doctor said to me, ‘Joshua, be careful’
I laughed because it was confirmed to me that doctors and world medicine has nothing on the work of Christ
What I know for sure, my life on earth is in the hands of Jesus Christ
No matter how much I am abused, people speak against me, against the gospel given to me, etc – the only thing I know for sure is that Jesus Christ is with me. His WILL will I do not humans will.
Every time I see the devil coming to interfere with my assignment on earth, I just laugh at him and continue doing what I was created to do. The devil is a spirit mostly dwelling in humans.
Heaven is real
Jesus Christ is alive
He is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand