![How God Speaks – 3 Major Ways](https://www.christiantruthcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/How-God-Speaks.jpg)
There are 3 major ways in which God speaks;
- Through dreams and visions
- Through a vessel
- The heart
How God Speaks – 3 Major Ways
1. Dreams and visions
God speaks both to believers and the unbelievers through dreams and visions.
In the Bible, unbelievers like Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, etc, had dreams and saw visions.
Dreams and visions are not a sign that you are a Bride of Christ because unbelievers too have them but fruits of the Holy Spirit are a sure sign of a Bride of Christ – a tree is known by its fruits.
See baptism with the Holy Spirit
Satan also gives dreams, visions and prophesies as you see in the Bible that Saul prophesied through an evil spirit.
One major deceiving spirit of his, is the spirit of divination. See the spirit of divination
Today every person having the spirit of divination is called a prophet/prophetess and the church has embraced them as their prophets thus the enemy stealing killing and destroying unstopped.
If you see a person dreaming dreams, seeing visions, prophesying, but there is no fruits of the Holy Spirit manifested in the person nor the temple in and outside does not manifest holiness – be very careful!
See a temple in whom Jesus Christ dwells is holy inside and outside
God speaks to His Bride through dreams and visions. It’s God’s Will that all those in Him, in the Last Days (after Jesus death and resurrection) dream dreams and see visions as prophesied by Joel
Joel 2:28 And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions – and this started at the Pentecost as testified by Peter the apostle of Christ Jesus (Acts 2)
And Jesus testified that those in Him dream dreams and sees visions by saying,
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me
Through dreams and visions, God leads, guides, directs, reveals, speaks, etc, to those His
Having dreams and visions does not make you a prophet or a prophetess. The problem we have today is that we call every person who has dreams and visions is a prophet or prophetesses and they brand themselves so, even those with spirit of divination.
God gives dreams and visions, so is the devil, but there is a huge difference between God dreams and visions and those of the enemy.
Unless you fully submit yourself to God and resist the devil (James 4:7), the enemy has the right to give you dreams and visions even if you are of God because of the open doors you have granted him.
See how we open the doors for the enemy to kills destroy and steal from us
2. Through a vessel
God speaks through vessels. A vessel is not only a human being but every creation of God is a vessel before Him including the Angels.
To the children of Israel, Moses was His vessel uttering His words. And so were the prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ apostles, etc.
Balaam donkey was a vessel before God
A vessel can utter God’s Words but the vessel not be a vessel of honor; not a Bride of Christ – remember there are vessels of honor and dishonor.
Saul prophesied by the Spirit of God but he was not a vessel of honor. So was Balaam and many more in the Scriptures.
In the same manner, many people preach Jesus Christ gospel but they are not of Him and this is what Jesus was speaking of in Mt 7:21-23.
Here is a Principle; God cannot send a vessel not His to those His – a person not a Bride of Christ cannot be send by God to you a Bride of Christ unless you are hard-hearted/disobedient.
Remember Satan too uses vessels to speak his words upon people. Those words are seeds planted to steal kill and destroy you – be very careful which vessel is speaking to you.
Reason when you come to Jesus Christ, you need to pray and ask Jesus to break and cancel every word spoken to you by the enemy.
I have come into contact with many people whose life’s have been destroyed by so called prophets and prophetesses, people with dreams and visions saying God said, yet it is the enemy speaking.
When a person comes to speak upon your life, or tell you God says, I have dreamed, etc, and you are a Bride of Christ, first thing to do is to ask Jesus if the vessel or words or both are His or Not and wait upon the Lord to answer; be patient (a fruit of the Holy Spirit). Do not take what the person says without God confirming if the person is His or if the words are His or both.
And God will never speak against Himself, against His Will, against His doctrine, etc. Example; when a person comes and tells you that God tells you to divorce, that’s Satan not God.
Truth sets a person free (John 8:32) – separates light and darkness. The Truth, Jesus Christ, will set you free from every voice of the enemy and his vessels.
3. The heart
To believers, those baptized with the Holy Spirit, God speaks not to their minds, ears, but to their hearts. See God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you
If the Holy Spirit is indeed dwelling in you, you will hear Him clearly speaking in you – not from outside but inside you
The problem we have is that people do not know the voice of the Holy Spirit thus God speaking in their hearts because they do not know Jesus Christ
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me
When Jesus was on earth preaching, He was speaking to the ears and minds of world people but to His people, He was speaking to their hearts.
Reason when He spoke to Peter telling him, ‘Follow me, I will make you fisher of men’ (Mt 4:18-10), Peter at once left the net and all and followed Him because Jesus was speaking to the heart of Peter.
To those His, God does not speak to our minds because in our minds is the power to say yes or no, to choose to obey or not, but He speaks to our hearts for He knows we have no other choice but to obey thus follow Him.
Reason you find people with a deep Godly desire in their hearts which cannot be fulfilled by anything else except obedience and it’s until you obey, you have joy peace happiness in you which the world cannot comprehend.
In the same manner with unbelievers – they have ungodly desires pushed to fulfill them but they do not have joy peace and happiness even after obeying the desires.
The heart of a human being is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick (Jer 17:19), thus if you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit, listen not to your heart but pray saying, ‘create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me’ (Psalms 51:10).
You have heard people say, ‘follow your heart’, that is demonic, not Biblical – we are to follow Jesus Christ not our hearts. We follow the voice of the Holy Spirit in us.
The Holy Spirit speaks also to the unbelievers but it’s to convict them (John 16:8). But the evil spirits have dominion in these people thus they cannot hear and obey.
Not every person who hears God obeys – and there is the biggest problem
Obedience is the fruit of Faith a substance of True Believe. See obedience is the fruits of faith
Do you obey?
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand