NB: This is a continuation from honor your father and your mother Part-1
Apart from the children of Israel, the command was given to us; Christians. In the article; difference between God laws and Mosaic Law, I showed you how God spoke in 70 languages while giving out the Ten Commandments. This means He was giving the Ten Commandments not only to the children of Israel but also to the whole world.
Honor your father and your mother is all about God
Let me give you a true story.
A mother had two sons. The older son was totally disobedient and rebellious; he neither listened nor paid attention to her mother while the younger son was very humble, obedience, and always listening and doing whatever her mother told her. The mother loved the younger son so much because he was the son who honored her as the parent she was.
They had planned to visit their parents in the village on the following weekend. On this particular Sunday before the next weekend (which was their travel day), they all went to church and the pastor was teaching and preaching this commandment; Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God gives you. The pastor preached about children honoring their biological parents for them to live long on earth.
The following weekend as the family traveled to visit their parents in the village, they were involved in a road accident and the younger son died instantly but the older son was unhurt.
The mother had a lot of questions; questioning God why He took away her only obedient son who honored her as a mother and fully fulfilled this command as preached by the pastor. She could not understand how God promised living long by obeying our biological parents and not keeping His promise.
She went back to the pastor to ask him why is it that it is only her best obedient honoring son who died and not the other son who was neither obedient, honoring nor respecting her. The pastor only answered her by telling her that it’s God who takes an individual when He wishes.
The mother could not understand how God says and promises something and yet disapprove Himself. She started even questioning if the bible is true. Her son’s life was cut at a very early age, being the best obedient parent honoring son while the older son who does not honor her still lives.
Let me then ask you this question: – Who is wrong?
- God (the bible)
- The pastor who taught the mother of the son that living long on earth depends on honoring our biological parents?
This is what has been installed in many of us by our so-called ‘men of God’. I said and always say understanding the bible needs only the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Many people are like this mother.
They wonder why some people, the best obedient people, who keep the commandments die early while some who even do not care or know the commandments live long on earth. They have so many questions unanswered about these commandment and they wonder and puzzle if God (the Bible) is true.
God is true
God is always true and He does neither disapprove nor go contrary with what He says or He has said. The bible which is His word is totally correct to the dot and it does not contradict itself. God does not say one thing and do the opposite so it is men who are wrong in interpreting and understanding the bible.
Why? Because understanding the bible needs the intervention of the Holy Spirit and many men are not baptized with the Holy Spirit (does not dwell in them) and they use their acquired worldly knowledge and wisdom to interpreted the bible.
Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years and he died (continued in honor your father and your mother Part-3)