As part of many revelations of Jesus Christ unto me in the morning of 7th December 2016, God gave me a question to Prophet Owuor followers against me.
In the revelation, I saw how many Prophet Owuor followers went to the LORD with prayers against His Will and against me because of the revelation on sexual immorality in people under Prophet Owuor Jesus Christ revealed through me, and the LORD come swiftly to me
He gave me a question to Prophet Owuor followers against me
God Question to Prophet Owuor Followers Against Me (Vision)
The words ‘Prepare the Way’ were presented to me
I was told that Prophet Owuor was send to ‘prepare the way’
Then I was told to ask his followers against me,
‘Who is Prophet Owuor preparing the way for?’
You cannot say for Jesus Christ to descend in flesh on earth, why?
Because there was a person prophesied in ancient days, created and did it – John the Baptist
It is only John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus Christ to come in flesh on earth
Prophet Owuor is not John the Baptist neither is John the Baptist Prophet Owuor
Prophet Owour is Prophet Owour
Who is Prophet Owuor preparing the way for?
When you will know the True answer to this question (only from Jesus Christ), you Prophet Owuor followers will never go before Jesus Christ with prayers against His Will and you will never fight Jesus Christ whom you claim to follow
Instead of repenting you go to pray against God’s Will and pray for calamity to come to me yet it is the same God you prayed who revealed
You should have been taught that praying against God’s Will is a sin
Fighting God’s Will is fighting God – a sin
You should have been taught that you do not go before God to pray for evil to befall a faithful person – God does not listen to search prayers
God only listens to prayers in His Will
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand