God has exposed false prophets in the USA elections 2016. He has separated His prophets from the false prophets.
Test of a Prophet
One measure of a true prophet is his prophesies being fulfilled, coming to pass, in unconditional prophecy, otherwise a false prophet.
USA election was unconditional prophecy where no matter what USA had to have a president and the question was who was to be the president?
God Exposes False Prophets in USA Elections 2016
The USA elections 2016 was a test to prophets. Many prophesied who will be the president but how many prophet’s prophesy come to pass?
Every person who prophesied anything about the USA elections and did not come to pass is a false prophet
Every person who prophesied win to Hillary Clinton in USA election 2016 is a false prophet
Some people had even prophesied that Barrack Obama will contest for presidency and be the last president of USA – they are false prophets
Others had prophesied of Barrack Obama being the Antichrist – they are also false prophets neither knowing the TRUTH.
Barack Obama cannot be and will never be the Antichrist for He does not meet Antichrist characteristics as revealed in entire Bible. But false prophets have prophesied him to be the Antichrist – liars!
If it is God who spoke to you, no matter what, it will come to pass.
Deut 18:22: When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him
If you have spoken in the name of the Lord and it has not came to pass, who has spoken to you? Satan has.
All false prophesies came from Satan
False prophets serve Satan knowingly or unknowingly. Satan speaks to them and many think it’s Jesus Christ therefore they prophesy but at the end their prophesies never come to pass. They are vipers.
Some people who prophesied wrongly the USA elections were called by God but have fallen to heresy. They have gone to Satan knowingly or unknowingly. They have been prophesying through divination; being given prophesies by demons and Satan.
If you know you were called by God to be a prophet but prophesied wrongly USA elections 2016, know that you have not been speaking from Jesus Christ but from Satan and you have been serving Satan. It’s time you shut up, go back to God who called you, ask Him where you went astray and repent.
Others have made themselves prophets while they are not. If you were called to deliverance stick in deliverance, healing stick in healing, etc. Stick to what God called you to be.
Every person who prophesied USA elections is not called to be a prophet yet they prophesied
Leave the office of the prophet to God prophets only – those called by God Himself. If God has not called you a prophet, you are not a prophet even if you have the gift of prophecy. That gift is to help you in the area He has called you not to be a prophet. Stick to your ministry/calling.
If you are called to a different ministry and you start prophesying calling yourself a prophet, you become a false prophet.
Every false prophet must die.
Deuteronomy 18:20 – But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die
If you have prophesied anything about USA election and it has not come to pass, you are a false prophet and you must die. Repent for forgiveness and for your life.
Jesus Christ has risen up against all false prophets including Baal prophets of prosperity. You will all die if you will not repent. See Star of Zion Risen up to judge
False prophets are an abomination to Jesus Christ because they bring confusion in the body of Christ. They speak against God; when God was saying Donald Trump is the president, false prophet were saying Hillary Clinton.
If you are a false prophet and you do not repent, the only solution is death. Repent, or you die.
If you are not called by Jesus Christ to be a prophet, do not make yourself one neither call yourself one.
USA elections has exposed you false prophets – Repent or you die
Stop bringing confused in the body of Christ – shut up
For those called prophets but fallen to heresy, repent or you die – stop serving Satan
You asked for war and the Man of War (Jesus Christ) is coming after you all false prophets
See Donald Trump microchip prophecy as revealed to me on 26th May 2016 and prophecy fulfillment part-1: Donald Trump receives more influence and becomes the president of USA
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand