God does not dwell in temples made with human hands. A house of cement sand stones and wood is not a temple of God or a house of the Lord.
Acts 7:47-49: But Solomon built Him a house. However, the most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will build for Me? says the Lord: or what is the place of My rest?
God Does Not Dwell in Temples made with Human Hands
When the Children of Israel came out of Egypt through the wilderness, God used to walk in a tent and in a tabernacle
2 Sam 7:6: Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle
The word used is ‘walk’ not ‘dwell’
King David desired to build a house for God to dwell in but God spoke to Nathan sending him to King David saying,
2 Sam 7:12-13: And when your days be fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who shall proceed out of your bowels, and I will establish His kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of His kingdom forever
Though Solomon, the son of King David built God a house to dwell in, in the above verse, God was not speaking of King David son Solomon but Jesus Christ His Son building Him a house. It was a prophecy.
2 Sam 7:14: I will be His father, and He shall be My Son
After building the house Solomon asked
1 King 8:27: But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain You; how much less this house that I have build?
The house Solomon built could not contain God.
Solomon built God a dwelling house but the Son of God was coming to build the true house with the throne of His kingdom forever. God could not dwell in a house made with human hands.
Isaiah 66:1: Thus says the LORD, ‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool: where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?
When the Son of God Jesus came to build God a house, this is what He said,
John 2:18-19: Then answered the Jews and said unto him, ‘What sign do You show us, seeing that You do these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’
The Son of God was about to fulfill a prophecy; building God a temple.
Which temple was Jesus building?
John 2:21: But He spoke of the temple of His body
His body was the temple of God.
On the cross Jesus build God a temple making the body of humans the temple of God.
1 Cor 6:19: What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?
For the body of humans to become house of God, a price had to be paid and Jesus paid it. After the cross God started dwelling in human’s body; His temples.
The dwelling in is the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
When God temple was built by Jesus, it was important for the cement sand stone wood house called the ‘temple’ built by Solomon to disappear. Because a temple build by God Himself could not co-exist with a temple made with human hands.
In 70 A.D, the Romans came down annihilated Israel and the temple build by Solomon was destroyed. Up to today, the temple has never being re-build since 70 A.D.
In the dispensation of grace, God does not dwell in houses of cement sand stone and wood made with human hands but in the body of a human being.
It is until the temple God is dwelling in today leaves the earth that the old Solomon temple will be re-build. Today, God is dwelling in the bodies of every person who accepts His Son, Jesus Christ.
God’s temple is living human body with flesh and blood not a dead house of cement sand stone and wood made with human hands.
See what the temple is and the body is the temple of God
PROTESTANT HERESIES TODAY 1: – Making houses of cement sand stones and wood with human hands for God to dwell in (houses of the Lord)
One of the biggest protestant heresies today is making houses of cement stone sand wood with human hands in the name of ‘God temples’, ‘churches’, ‘houses of the Lord’. It is a big heresy. Why?
1. Jesus Christ did not send any person to build Him houses in the name of temples/churches/houses of the Lord
If the gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached, it must be preach Jesus way.
Jesus Christ being the gospel (see what the gospel is) did not build any house of cement sand stone and wood in the name of a temple or church. He spend His enter ministry on the go preaching.
When He sent His servants to preach the gospel, He said,
Mk 16:15: Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature
The word is ‘go’
No servant of Jesus Christ is send to build/open houses made with human hands in the name of temple, churches or houses of the Lord. Every Jesus Christ servant is send to ‘go’ not to ‘huddle’ or ‘commune’.
Even if you are an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, you are send to ‘go’ not to build houses, huddle or commune Jesus being a good example. Jesus had all the five-fold ministries and He did not build/open a house in the name of a church or house of the Lord but He kept going.
If Jesus did not build a house of cement sand stones and wood, who are you doing it? Why are you going all over the world opening and building houses calling them ‘temples’, ‘churches’, ‘houses of the Lord’?
For there is only one temple; the body of human beings and God does not need another temple.
The temple in Jerusalem was the only temple God ever commanded. Church buildings, cathedrals, and such monuments made by humans are not wanted by God and are filthy in His sight, for the Most High does not dwell in houses and temples made with hands. He wants to dwell in you.
Since today Protestants want to confine/contain God in a house made with human hands, He has departed from them. The gospel they preach in these confines is dead with no power, no miracles signs and wonders but outside these houses is a living powerful gospel witnessed by miracles signs and wonders.
See the kingdom of heaven is not in word but in power
In the Bible, Jesus got into this house, threw down the money changers and performed no miracles in them but outside them many miracles were witnessed.
If the gospel of Jesus Christ has to have power, be followed by miracles signs and wonders, it must be preached Jesus Christ way obeying His command; ‘go’. Do not build houses in the name of ‘temple’, ’churches’ or ‘houses of the Lord’.
Jesus Christ did not send His servants to build/open houses in the name of temple, churches or houses of the Lord neither did He build one. Obey His command, go.
2. There is only one God temple; the body of humans
Why did Jesus Christ not tell His servants to go build/open houses in the name of temples and churches?
Because there is only one temple of God; the body of humans. God does not dwell in houses of cement sand stone and wood made with human hands.

The consequences of making houses with human hands in the name of churches/houses of the Lord are grievous.
1. It is a sign of disobedience and rebellion
Jesus Christ sends His servants telling them ‘go’. No person is send to build church houses. Building these houses is disobedience and rebellion to God.
And for these reason, the Holy Spirit departs. See why the Holy Spirit departs from a person or congregation
2. Holy Spirit departs
When we build these houses in the name of churches, we are trying to contain God within walls. How can God be contained in a house?
And for these reason, the Holy Spirit departs from the house called temple or church. Reason you cannot see any miracles signs and wonders in these houses.
3. Focus goes to these houses while neglecting the true temple of God
The focus in today protestant is how to beautify houses called churches but not beautifying the true church of God; humans. Look at people in the protestant houses today. They need food, clothing, deliverance, miracles and signs but their blind brood of vipers are busy building big houses and beautifying them. A lost generation indeed!
4. The buildings become idols
These buildings called temples/churches/house of the Lord are idols blinding people. An idol is something people venerate; something they take pride in. Look at how this brood of vipers you call ‘God servants’ are priding in their buildings.
Many are in captivity inside these idols. Set yourself free to worship the True God.
5. Burdening of the True temple of God
Because these houses have to be kept and beautified, the results are burdening of the true temple to beautify an idol.
6. The houses become extortion and merchandising centers
As the temple of Jerusalem which Jesus got in poured out the changers of money and overturned the tables was, so are these houses. They are extortion and merchandising centers.
7. Used for selfish gain
Jesus Christ has not send any person to make these church buildings for Him. It is people making them for their selfish gain.
Can you see the mushrooming of church buildings in every corner of this world? God has not told any person to build/open a house for Him. It is people doing it for selfish gain.
They are using the gullible people inside the church who lack the Truth to enrich themselves and start showing off and boasting while the true church inside these buildings is burdened and perishing.
Isa 56:11: Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his own territory.
You can see your so-called church leaders lavishly showing off what they have accumulated through manipulating you while you live in poverty and struggle with bondages yet they cannot deliver you. Brood of vipers!
Stephen said,
Acts 7:47-51: But Solomon built Him a house. However, the most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will build for Me? says the Lord: or what is the place of My rest? Has not my hand made all these things? You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do you.
The stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears always resist the Holy Spirit from dwelling in them but instead go to build outward temples made with hands. These are the persecutors of the gospel; the same who persecuted Stephen.
These are they who have gone to build outward temples, imprisoning, persecuting and asking people to give, manipulating the gospel to burden people to give money to beautify their stone temples.
You will hear a person say, ‘let’s go to the house of the Lord’ referring to a house of cement sand and stones. A dead house of stones is not a house of the Lord neither a temple. You are the house of the Lord. You are God’s temple.
Every Bride of Christ must stand and say,
‘I am the house of the Lord that building is not. I am God’s temple that building is not. I am the church that building is not’.
To worship God in truth and in spirit you must become the temple, the church, the house of the Lord but not making a house made of cement sand stones and wood be the temple/church.
God does not dwell in a building, He dwells in our hearts. We do not have to meet at a special building or enter a special house to worship God. A church building is not needed for us to meet or worship God, nor is it needed by the true Bride of Christ.
Did Jesus Christ shed His blood for a house build of sand stone cement and wood? An evil generation indeed.
Who has send you to build/open a house for the Lord ? Who has send you to build/open a house in name of a church? Whose gospel is that?
When Jesus Christ calls a person and gives the person his/her ministry, He does not tell the person to go build/open a house and call it a church or house of the Lord. He sends you to ‘go’.
If Jesus did not build or open a house in name of a church, why do it?
Because God cannot be contained in a house, walls cannot be a temple, church or God’s house, His Spirit has departed from these church buildings and no power, no miracles signs and wonders but outside these church buildings humanity is witnessing the power of the gospel through miracles signs and wonders.
Say these words.
‘I am the temple of God. I am the house of the Lord. I am the Church. That building/house is not. I do not need it to worship my God; God of Abraham, Jacob and Moses’
It is time Bride of Christ awakens and worships God in truth and in spirit.
See Protestant Heresies Today 2: – houses of cement sand stone and wood are not the church
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand