![God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you](https://www.christiantruthcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/God-can-speak-to-you-but-not-be-dwelling-in-you.png)
God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit can speak to you but not be dwelling in you – you not be a Bride of Christ.
John 14:23 If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him
God Can Speak To You But Not Be Dwelling in You
There are 3 relationship types God has with humans;
- With
- In (in anointing)
- Upon (anointing upon)
See 3 relationships of the Holy Spirit with humans
In anointing and anointing upon are the 2 major anointing types of the Kingdom of heaven. See 2 major anointing types
In anointing is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit – when God dwells in you. Anointing Upon is Baptism with Fire – impartation for service, for Jesus Christ gospel.
See baptism
Anointing is not a substance, a thing, a oil, a soap, a feeling, an emotion, etc, but the Holy Spirit Himself. See anointing is the Holy Spirit Himself
If God is not dwelling in you, made a home in you, He is with you. And this is the relationship He has with every unbeliever, those who do not love Him and obey Him.
On earth Jesus was with the disciples not in them, reason Peter denied Him, Judas got lost, Thomas doubted, etc.
When Jesus died on the Cross and resurrected, He breathed unto them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Ghost’ (John 20:22) – From this point, He came in them, dwelled in them.
When on earth Jesus spoke to the world, to the brood of vipers, unbelievers, etc, without Him dwelling in them. God can speak to you without Him dwelling in you.
Scripture (the Bible) testifies this for we see God speaking to many people not His.
He spoke to Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Balaam, Saul, etc, even to Satan in the book of Job
When the Children of Israel were walking through the wilderness, God was with them not in them, reason in Mt Sinai they were rebuked not to touch the edge of the mountain and reason many never saw the Promised Land but perished in the wilderness.
Being created by God does not make you His, but obeying seeking and following Him does. Everything created by God is just a vessel before Him and you can choose to be of honor or dishonor.
For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel (Rom 9:6)
One heresy I have faced today with many people is that they believe that every person God speaks to is a Bride of Christ or His – that is not True.
God speaks to unbelievers too – He is not limited to whom He can speak to; all are vessels before Him including animals, plantations, oceans, etc
But there is a very big difference between God speaking to an unbeliever and a person He is dwelling in.
One difference is; when God is dwelling in you, He does not speak to your ears or mind but only to your heart.
Satan speaks to humans too without dwelling in them, but he speaks to their ears, their mind, eyes, etc. Satan main areas of play and manipulating humans is only in the flesh reason when you crucify the flesh and bring into captivity every thought and imagination to obedience of Christ Jesus, he has no ground in you.
Another difference is unbelievers do not understand God thus never obey Him when He speaks but believers know His voice and obey
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Following God means obeying Him – obedience is a fruit of faith
In the same manner God can speak to an unbeliever, He can give an unbeliever dreams and visions (next teaching).
How do you know that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are dwelling in a person? Simple;
- The manifestation of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in a person (Gal 5:22-23). See baptism with the Holy Spirit
- The temple i.e. the Body, in whom God is dwelling is holy inside and outside. God cannot dwell in a temple and outside and inside be a temple of demons. God cannot dwell in a temple adorned with foreign gods, abominations, accursed things, etc.
When I come to Jesus, for some years He could speak to me but not Him dwelling in me. It took time to be cleaned, purified, both physically and spiritually for the Holy Spirit to dwell in me.
99.9% of people claiming to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, God dwelling in them, saved are not because of idols, foreign gods, abominations, accursed things, rebellion, disobedience, etc, and they are not ready to shed all these filthiness for the Holy Spirit to come dwell in them.
But remember they can tell you God has spoken to me, am blessed, my prayers are answered, etc, because even the wicked prosper.
God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you
Is God dwelling in you?
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