When giving, ministering to Jesus Christ by helping the needy, doing charitable deeds, etc, do not let your left hand know what the right hand is doing – it must be in secret for God to reward.
Mt 6:3-4 But when you do charitable deeds to men, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your giving may be in secret. And Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you
Giving – Do Not Let Your Left Hand Know What The Right Hand is Doing
Our God is in Secret (Mt 6:4, 6)
God only rewards what is done in secret (Mt 6:3-4)
Everything God says this attracts reward/blessings when done according to His instructs, when done not according to His instructs, it becomes a curse unto you
Many people today are giving, helping the needy, doing charitable deeds, etc to be seen by humans – a show-off. Whatsoever they do is a curse unto them.
Do not sound a trumpet when you give, help the needy, do charitable work, for God to reward you. Let what you do only be between you and God and He will reward you for He is Faithful.
Tithing, offering, etc, is also giving but it’s giving to God.
God is in secret thus you must give Him in secret for Him to reward you. Any giving to God that is not in secret becomes a curse unto you.
Giving, both to men and God is supposed to open doors for you, be a channel to your deliverance, healing, salvation, blessings, etc, but today it’s not because people are doing it wrongly instead becoming a curse.
Reason today you see people giving and giving, tithing and tithing, offering and offering, etc, but all you see in them, after them is curses
In today so-called-churches, you are told to raise up your offering, tithe, what you are giving, to show it off to men – it is a curse.
People are given envelopes to write their names and amount they are giving/offering
Your giving must only be between you and God for God to reward you or else it will be a curse. Let God alone keep the record of your giving – let no other man know what you are giving
Do not do charitable deeds, help the needy, offer, tithe and call the media sound a trumpet or post in social media to be seen by men.
There are many things done in so-called-churches today in the name of giving, offering, tithing, helping the needy, etc which are against God thus a curse. Identify them and be not a part of them.
When giving in accordance to God instructions becomes the way of life, a lifestyle to you, so does blessings deliverance healing, etc follow you for the rest of your life and cements your relationship with God.
Loving God with all your heart and soul (mind), includes loving Him with what He has given you – remember it is not yours but His; He can give and take wherever He wants
When you give both to God and men, do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing
Everything done against God’s instructions becomes a curse
Repent for every bragging, show-off, giving, offering and helping the needy you have not done in secret
For our God is in secret and He rewards only those who do things in secret
Let you’re giving only be between you and God to receive a reward from Him
Give willingly and obediently
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand