A person gives either by the Law or out of Love. Every offering sacrifice tithe giving to God is either because its written/commanded or of Love. Does God want us to give Him out of our Love for Him or because its written/commanded?
Giving By the Law
A law is a decree, a command, an obligation.
Example; People pay taxes because it’s a law
When a parent is taken to the court for child’s upkeep, the parent pays because it’s a law
When a person gives tithes sacrifices offerings to God because its written/commanded, its by the Law
Giving Out of Love
Love is not a command, a decree, an obligation, not forced, under compulsion. Love is only expressed.
When a parent is doing the best for his/her children, that is of love but when s/he is doing it because the court has ordered, that is of the Law.
When you are giving to the ones your love (parents, siblings, children, etc) to most people it’s out of Love not an obligation or a decree.
Giving – By Law vs Of Love
When we give to God, it’s either by the Law or an expression of our love for Him. Law came by Moses but Love is Jesus Christ Himself.
Every giving sacrifice offering the children of Israel did unto God was by the Law – they did because God had decreed/commanded.
Before Moses, there was no law. Abraham gave offered tithed sacrificed etc not because it was written but out of his love for God. Every Job deed to God was all because of his Love for Him.
Jesus nailed the law on the cross, made it obsolete for Love to Reign (Col 2:14, Heb 8:13). The church is not under the law but under Grace and Love as Jesus said,
‘Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the Law?’ Jesus declared, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.
Where there is no Love, the Law rules; where there is love, the law is obsolete.
What’s the difference between Giving by the Law and Out of Love
1. By the Law is not of the heart, of Love is of the heart
Ask a parent forced to pay child upkeep by the courts or a person paying taxes if it’s out of the heart.
2. Of the Law is under compulsion/forced/duress, of Love is Willingly
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
Many pay taxes because governments force them. A parent paying child upkeep as ordered by court is because the court is forcing him/her.
Of the Law is under compulsion, of love is willingly.
3. Of the Law is not cheerful, Of Love is cheerful
Everything a person does and it’s not from his/her heart, s/he doesn’t do it cheerfully.
Everything a person does under compulsion, being forced, s/he doesn’t do it cheerfully.
Many today tithe offer sacrifice to God out of compulsion; smiling outwardly but cursing in their hearts.
4. Of Law expects a reward/payback, of Love expects no reward
People pay government taxes expecting the government to provide services security etc. You keep laws expecting not to be taken to court, pay a fine or jailed.
Of love expects not reward/payback. When you give to those your love; parents, siblings, children, etc, do you expect a reward or payback? No!
Reason the law came with blessings and curses, but in love/grace there is neither blessings nor curses but ‘only good happening to those who believe’. Remember that even those given the laws never fulfilled them and curses were always eating them.
Every person tithing offering sacrificing to God to be blessed is not doing it out of his/her Love of God.
5. Of the Law Keeps Records, Love Keeps no Records
Governments keeps records of your taxes. Courts keep records of how a parent pays for a child upkeep. Do you keep records of how you give to your children or parents? The Law keeps records.
Love has no records. Anything you do out of Love, you forget. God forgives and forgets because He does it out of Love.
You have heard people brag/confess of their tithing offering sacrificing to God – it’s because they did it out of compulsion not out of Love. Of love you do and forget.
Does God want us to tithe offer sacrifice because its written/commanded or out of Love for Him, expressing our Love to Him?
God wants everything we do unto Him be out of our Love for Him – anything else is vanity, like chasing after the wind.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. God gave Himself to die on the cross for His Love for you. Why are doing things to God and they are not out of your Love for Him?
Many people come to me requesting to give to God but with the wrong reasons – some of the reasons are;
- For pastor to eat cloth etc. – it’s not your work to take care of a God Servant, that is God’s Work. It’s the Master’s responsibility to take care of His servants. See it’s not your responsibility to take care of a God servant
- For the ‘church’ to facilitate themselves, pay workers etc – If a church is authored by God, God will take care of it otherwise it’s your responsibility
- Because it’s written/a Law – those given the Law never fulfilled it, will you?
- Because my pastor/prophet/apostle etc told me so – Next teaching; Who tells you to give?
- Because I want to be blessed – God is not a business man and doesn’t do barter-trade
(What reasons have you been using to give tithe offer sacrifice to God?)
Let your tithe offering sacrifice deeds to God be out of your Love for God. Let it all be an expression of your Love of Him.
Remember, people keep laws because there are laws. If there are no laws, people will not do what is right. In love, you do what is right always whether the laws are there or not. People giving to God because its written, they will never give if it wasn’t written like in the times of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, etc. But those who love God, whether it’s written or no, they will do what is right before the eyes of God.
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