For you to be resurrected after death you must believe that Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life; that He will resurrect you if you die.
John 11:25-26: Jesus said unto her, ‘I AM the resurrection, and the life: he who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?’
For You to be Resurrected after Death, You Must Believe that Jesus Will Resurrect You
Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25).
He says, ‘I AM the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live…. Do you believe?’ A person who believes that Jesus Christ is the resurrection that He will resurrect him/her when s/he dies, will live.
What about a person who does not believe that Jesus Christ will resurrect him/her, will the person be resurrected? No!
For Jesus Christ to resurrect you if you die, you must truly believe in your heart that He is the resurrection and the life, that He will resurrect you.
Before Jesus resurrected Lazarus He asked Martha, ‘I Am the resurrection and the life… Do you believe?’ (John 11:26)
Martha said,
‘Yes, Lord: I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world’ (John 11:27)
Martha believed that Jesus will resurrect Lazarus reason she called Him to come. And even four days Lazarus being in the tomb, she believed.
In the visitation of 9th July 2015, I saw a person who died and did not believe in resurrection. When others believed and were resurrected, he was not resurrected.
Do you believe that Jesus will resurrect you if you die? Do you believe that He is the resurrection and the life?
Many people do not believe in resurrection. Many do not believe that Jesus Christ will resurrect them when they die. Many do not believe that Jesus is the resurrection and life.
For even today there are no resurrection of the death, the dead are not rising up, because people do not believe even the so-called servants of God do not believe. Do not be fooled by people quoting verses and saying they believe.
Believe is something in a person’s heart. It is being assured off. It is having confidence.
Believe and faith goes hand in hand.
If your faith is weak, a doubter, you are not assured, you do not have confidence i.e. you do not believe.
If your faith is great, you have confidence, you are assured i.e. you believe.
Many Christians believe but they doubt. They believe Jesus Christ, what the Bible says, but inside their hearts they are doubting. And for this reason, many will perish.
Believing Jesus Christ is believing Jesus of more than blessings; Jesus of eternity. Believing ‘I AM’ is believing the entire ‘I AM’ not believing only the ‘I AM’ of blessings and green pastures.
Many Christians today only know and believe the Jesus Christ of blessings and riches but they doubt or do not believe the Jesus Christ of eternity. They will perish.
For you to be resurrected, you must believe that Jesus will resurrect you; that He is the resurrection and life.
Do you believe if you die Jesus Christ will resurrect you?
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Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand