There is a very clear difference between the first Adam and the second Adam. After the first Adam sinned and through him humanity was cursed, there was need for a second Adam to redeem the first Adam (humanity).
The name ‘Adam’ means ‘man’
First Adam is the man created by God in Genesis.
Gen 2:7: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The second Adam is Jesus Christ
1 Cor 15:47 … the second man is the Lord from heaven
The second Adam is also called ‘Last Man’
God did not create man to toil to eat, to die, to eat from the sweat of his face, ground to bring forth thorns and thistles for him, to sin, give offerings and sacrifices, tithe, offer blood of bulls and goats, etc. When man sinned, curse came to him.
Through first Adam, curse came to humanity and thus there was need for a second Adam to deliver the first Adam from curse.
Let’s see some differences between the first and second Adam and how second Adam become the curse for first Adam deliverance and salvation.
First Adam vs Second Adam – I Am of the First But of the Second
• First Adam was created of the earth while the second Adam (Jesus) came from heaven
1 Cor 15:47: The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven
• First Adam sinned, Second Adam (Jesus) committed no sin
• Through first Adam sin entered the world, through Jesus (Second Adam) righteousness entered the world
• First Adam sin separated us from God, Second Adam (Jesus) righteousness brought us back to God.
• Death came through first Adam, second Adam become life giver, life and resurrection.
… Last Adam become a life giving spirit (1 Cor 15:45)
John 11:25: Jesus said unto her, ‘I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live’
• First Adam was to toil, sweat and eat from the ground for all his life (Gen 2:17), Second Adam (Jesus) became manna and bread of life for the first Adam
John 6:57: As the living Father has sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eats me, even he shall live by me.
John 6:35: And Jesus said unto them, ‘I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst’.
• Ground was to bring thorns and thistles for first Adam, see the thorns and thistles on the head of the second Adam on the cross
• First Adam was given laws and works, Second Adam came to fulfill the laws and redeem first Adam from the laws and works
Mt 5:17: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
Though God gave humanity (Adam) laws, He knew humans could not fulfill them thus He had to bring a second Adam from heaven to fulfill them for (earthly) Adam’s sake.
No Adam can fulfill laws except the second Adam who fulfilled them
• First Adam sacrificed bulls, goats and offered offerings and sacrifices, the second Adam (Jesus) became the sacrifice and offering offered once and for all for the sake of the first Adam.
• First Adam offered blood of bulls and goats as sin offering, second Adam (Jesus) offered His blood as sin offering once and for all
There are very many differences between the first Adam and the Second Adam.
What does these differences between the first Adam and the Second Adam really mean?
1. Though we are of dust, those who accept the second Adam (Jesus) become of heaven (heavenly)
2. Though we are sinners, those who accept the second Adam (Jesus) become righteous as He is
3. Though we are all to die, those who accept Jesus will not die and those sleep with be resurrected
4. Though we are to toil sweat to eat, those who accept Jesus do not toil to eat. They just obey Him like the children of Israel and He becomes their manna and bread of life in the wilderness (world).
It’s only those who have not accepted the second Adam who toil to eat.
My friend was asked by Jesus, ‘do you need to work to eat?’ The answer is No!
You just need to accept and obey Him and He will provide.
Obeying means you do what He is telling you to do; do not do your own things. Listen to what Holy Spirit is telling you to do now and obey.
To me I just obey and He provides.
5. Though we have to work to fulfill laws, those who accept Jesus do not have to because He did all the works and fulfilled all laws for them.
6. Though we are to sacrifice, offer, tithe, etc, those who accept the second Adam (Jesus) do not need to do these things because He became them for their sake once and for all
7. Though we are to sacrifice blood of bloods for our sins, those who accept Jesus (Second Adam) do not offer sin offerings because His blood became the sin offering once and for all
Everything spoken by God to the first Adam before the coming of the second Adam, was done fulfilled and taken away by the Second Adam; Jesus Christ. He fulfilled the entire God laws and He is coming to finish fulfilling the prophets.
Jesus (second Adam) came to deliver and save first Adam from his sins and curses.
It is for this reason that everything in the old covenant is a shadow of Jesus Christ. That everything in the Bible points to Jesus Christ – the WORD is Jesus Christ.
If a person speaks to you about the curses of the first Adam, tell him/her about the victories of the second Adam and what He did for you and me.
The problem we have today is that many people have denied Second Adam and all His work for us. Instead they want to do the works, fulfill laws and be chained by first Adam curses when the second Adam did the works, fulfilled the laws, become the curse for us, setting us free – they have denied Jesus Christ Grace and the price He paid on the cross.
These are the people who will tell you that you need to toil to eat like first Adam but in reality what you need is to accept and believe Jesus Christ because He is the food you need and He will provide.
If He provided for the children of Israel in the wilderness how can He not provide for you? What work did the children of Israel do to be provided for in the wilderness? They only believed.
Which is the work of God?
John 6:29: Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He has sent’.
The work God needs from humanity is for them to believe Jesus Christ. God needs nothing else from you. He created everything, He has everything instead He wants to give it to you.
Many are busy doing so many works in the name of serving or doing them to God but in reality they are not doing them for God.
Only believe and obey Him and He will be everything to you. He is faithful
The choice is yours; are you going to believe Jesus Christ or not?
Love is freedom and God loves humanity that He has given them freedom to choose
Choose to believe Jesus Christ
You are of the first Adam but of the Second Adam
I am of the First Adam but of the Second Adam
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand