Explanation of the Ten Commandments gives detailed meaning and breaks pride in Christians.
In can the law save you, the early Jews, Pharisee and Scribes were taking the law literary, only been concerned with its literal face meaning not its deep reality truth and spirit.
Jesus had to break through their pride and stubbornness to show them that none of them keeps the law and they needed pardoning.
If you are one of those people who boast, proud of how sinful you’re not by keeping the law and judging those not under the law, look at the below explanation of the Ten Commandments.
Explanation of the Ten Commandments
1. Thou shall have no other gods before me
Any hobby, relationship, person or anything that comes before or between you and Jesus Christ in your life or part of your life is a god.
Anything that occupies you more than God is a god.
You can also be a god to yourself.
The worship of creatures is here forbidden and it is idolatry. See the meaning of the word God.
Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.
See Thou shall have no other gods before me
2. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image
It is forbidden to make any image or picture of the Deity in any form or for any purpose or to worship any creature, image or picture.
In addition, images are created in imagination. If you create any image of God in your imagination (mind), you have broken the second command.
We should not create an image of God in our minds and the big question is; how do you imagine of a person called ‘I am whom I am’, a spirit?
See Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image
3. Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them
The spiritual importance of this command extends further.
All kinds of superstition are here forbidden and the use of mere human inventions in the worship of God.
See Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them
4. Thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain
If you swear in God’s name or lower what is Holy and perfect in His eyes, you have broken the third command.
Devils plan is to see God’s name stumbled and lowered to the lowest degree.
All false oaths are forbidden and all light appealing to God, all profane cursing and hypocrisy is a horrid breach of this command.
Praying and worshiping God without great faith is also a breach of this commandment. See the importance of faith.
Worship him with reverence and seriousness.
See Thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain
5. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
If you never keep all days of Sabbath, not just one day, you have never kept the Sabbath day, you have broken the fourth command.
Jesus Christ allowed works of necessity, charity and piety to be done on Sabbath day.
The Sabbath day was made for man and not man for the Sabbath (Mr 2:27).
All works of luxury, vanity or self-indulgence in any form are forbidden.
Trading, paying wages, settling accounts, writing letters of business, worldly studies, traveling, visits, journeys or light conversation are not in the spirit of keeping the Sabbath day holy.
The Sabbath day should be a day of rest from worldly labor.
See Keep the Sabbath day holy.
6. Honor thy father and thy mother
If you neither honor your father and your mother nor recognized them as your parents you have broken this law.
See Honor thy father and thy mother
7. Thou shall not kill
If you are angry with anyone you are guilty.
If you are upset or bitter, abuse, quarrel and fight with any person, you have broken this law.
8. Thou shall not commit adultery
If you look a person with lustful eyes you have committed adultery.
Adultery first happens in the heart and soul before the body does it.
Watching pornography is adultery.
Worship or being involved with other gods is spiritual prostitution (adultery).
See Thou shall not commit adultery
9. Thou shall not steal
If you do not tithe nor offer offerings you have robbed God.
10. Thou shall not covet
If you want more than you already have, you’re not content, you’re coveting.
The law is like a chain as learned from the effects and shortcomings of the law and breaking one law is breaking all laws. James 2:10: For whoever will keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
Every person is guilty by the laws and no one will be saved by keeping the laws. We all need pardoning and the savior; Jesus Christ.
Salvation is only by grace through faith.
God bless you