Must you enjoy money and riches? God gives us money and riches to employ and to enjoy. Employing is giving and sharing (more in the article: God advice on money, riches and wealth). Every man is rich, but do you enjoy?
The rich man (the rich man parable) was neither happy with his riches nor did he enjoyed them. We see this when he says, ‘I will say to my soul, Soul, you have much goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry’. Before God multiplied his riches, he was not at ease, eating and being merry.
Do you enjoy money and riches
Many of us are like this rich man. We have money and riches but we do not enjoy them. Instead, we are busy gathering more and more filling our stores and banks. The riches we have do not bring joy, happiness, peace and security but instead our riches are our problem. Some men cannot even get a nap, they are busy 24/7 looking for more and more riches, will you ever get enough?
You will always say, ‘I will be happy when I get this and that’, ‘just a little way to go and I will be happy’ and you will never be happy. You will always be saying tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes and when it comes, ‘your soul is taken’. Like the rich man, you will never enjoy the riches which God sends your way.
You will always be planning what to do, where to invest, trips to make, vacations, businesses, security etc and you will never get peace and happiness. Look at what you have right now; the money in your bank and all other riches you have. What you have is enough for you to enjoy life today, you do not need more.
‘I AM‘ is a God of the present as He is of the past and the future. Why are we running to a future we are not in it yet and further more we know nothing about our tomorrow. The minute we know is only now, the present, so let’s live it to the fullest.
After the rich man filled all his barns and told his soul that it is time to rest, God called him a ‘fool’ and told him that he will never enjoy. The guy never enjoyed what he had but he died. This is a clear message to us. We will fill banks with money, buy lands and buildings, denying ourselves happiness and peace to be rich, but we will never enjoy the riches.
If you are living for world things, striving to have more than you have and focused on worldly stuff, you will never be satisfied. You will always be saying, ‘next year when I retire’, ‘when I buy that car’, ‘when I buy that house’, ‘when this deal comes’, ‘when this and that happens’ I will be happy. The truth is that you will never be happy.
The more you feed your greed, the more you want more, the more unsatisfied you are, the more you are unhappy. God looks at you as you deny yourself joy and happiness and calls you a ‘fool’ (like the rich man) Lk 12:20: but God said unto him, you fool, this night your soul shall be required of you: then whose shall those things be, which you have provided?
Any man and woman who lays her/his treasure in worldly things and riches is a fool. And so is the man who does not have riches invested in heaven.Not being a fool is laying your treasure in the kingdom of God (heaven). Heaven is the only place where our riches are safe. Mt 6:19-20: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
If you’re greedy, discontent, you are a fool and you will never enjoy what you have. And if you make it to heaven, since you have no investment in heaven, you will be poor.
Reward in heaven
Realize that we will be rewarded in heaven. If you live your live on earthy focused and placing everything you have in heaven, you will be rewarded greatly and you will live richly. If all you riches are on earth, investing on yourself not in heaven, you will be poor in heaven.
Reward (crowns) in heaven will be given according to your works on earth. Not according to the work you did to God but the work God did through you.If you are rich, be rich in heaven.
Supporting the work of God
As I have stated, when God blesses you with, money, riches and wealthy, you need to employ them. One great way of doing it is supporting the work of God. You can do so by supporting your church, evangelists, pastors and all those who are sending the word of God in all corners of the world in any way.
You can also support this ministry and I assure you that what you give will be an investment in heaven. Do not be afraid or ask what the pastor, the man of God or me, will do with your money or givings. But since that you have given, you have invested in heaven. It is for that man of God to use what you have given in a good way or God punishes him/her. If you donate to this site, your entire donation will go in spreading the word of God and making sure that it reaches many, be assured.
Before you enjoy money and riches first employ them.
Be blessed.