This is Dr. Anthony Fauci judgement prophecy. Dr. Anthony Fauci chose to take the lead in destroying humanity with CoronaVirus lies.
See CoronaVirus lies and the end of CoronaVirus lies has come
Dr Anthony Fauci Judgement Prophecy
Dr. Anthony Fauci,
You chose money
Exchanged science for lies
And you led the world astray
You stood at the front for humanity destruction
Through you many have been destroyed
Through you many are dead
Through you many are poisoned
And you did not stop there but went after innocent children, to destroy and kill them
Selfish gains came first not the love of humans
Knowing the Truth you willingly exchanged it with lies
And you said to yourself that you are untouchable even by God
Have you not chewed more than you can swallow?
Willingly you took their money
They have used you and now they are coming after you
They will destroy you
They will tear you into pieces
For willingly you sold your soul to them
Have they not destroyed all whom they have used?
Like wind all the money will vanish
For the end of Coronavirus lies has came
All lies will be exposed
And all covered Truth will be laid naked
Shock fear and anger will grip the world
For with lies world has been destroyed
Are they not working hard to cover the Truth?
Can the truth be covered with a blanket or by a stroke of a pen?
Where are they who stood with you Dr. Fauci?
Will they not all flee from you?
Lie never Lasts, Truth Prevails
And the world will do away with all your lies
God is seated on His Holy Throne
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand