We are told that the ‘church’ we attend does not matter, is it true? Does the ‘church’ or denomination you attend matter?
I am using the word ‘church’ in quotes because what people call church is not church but a congregation of believers or a tent or houses of sand stone cement and wood.
See a congregation of believers is not a church (next)
Many people are yet to know that they are the church and houses are not. They are yet to come to the worship of Christ in truth and in spirit.
See protestant heresies today 2: – houses buildings tents and places becoming churches
Does the ‘church’ you attend matter?
For us to know if the ‘church’ we attend matter, we must look in the Bible for what makes a true Jesus Christ church.
1. Leadership
True Jesus Christ church leadership is in alignment with heaven.
See Biblical church leadership structure
Jesus Christ church leadership is not chosen by humans but by God Himself. True God called servants must be the leaders not humanly made servants. It is God who chooses His servants; neither does humanity choose you nor do you choose yourself.
The foundation of church is made of an apostle and a prophet.
Eph 2:19-20: Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
A prophet is the eye of the church giving direction while an apostle lays the foundation. A congregation without an apostle is self-willed and blind without a prophet.
The Spirit of God flows in a congregation through God’s leadership structure. God’s power first comes to the leader before flowing to the congregation. If church leadership is not aligned with God’s order and structure, the Spirit of God is hindered.
It is for this reason you do not see the flow of God Spirit in many so-called churches today. If the Spirit is flowing, show me the power; miracles, signs and wonders for the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
No true Jesus Christ church is blind; it is not led blindly. The leader receives direction and instructions through dreams and visions from the Lord like Moses.
2. Preaching true Jesus Christ gospel
There are 2 types of Gospels;
Gal 1:8: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed
- Jesus Christ gospel (kingdom of heaven) and
- Another gospel (kingdom of the world)
True Jesus Christ gospel is centered on Jesus Christ and His kingdom, the kingdom of heaven. False gospel is centered on the world and things of the world; worldly kingdom. False gospel focuses on worldly prosperity while true gospel focuses on heavenly prosperity.
True Jesus Christ church preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ; the kingdom of heaven.
3. Perfecting the saints
Eph 4:12: For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
True Jesus Christ church led by His servants perfect the saints with the true word of Christ for them to be able to walk through the wilderness (world) to the Promised Land (heaven).
4. Edifying the body of Christ
True Jesus Christ church led by His servants edifies the body of Christ. The most important edifying is to grow and build the faith and believe of the church in Jesus Christ.
Without faith, there is no salvation. See salvation is only by faith through grace.
Protestant Heresies Today 5: – The ‘Church’ or Denomination You Attend Does Not Matter. A Lie!
There are so many denominations and so many ‘so-churches’ today. Denominations are neither Biblical nor Godly and churches have been stolen from Jesus Christ, see protestant heresies today 3: churches stolen from Jesus Christ.
They tell us that it does not matter the church or denomination we attend as long as it believes in Jesus Christ. It is a lie. Before you become part of a denomination or ‘church’ ask yourself these questions;
1. Does the church believe and obey Jesus Christ and stick strictly to the Bible?
Believe in Jesus Christ has 2 sides.
Satan believes that God is the Most High but He fights Him to be like Him reason he was cast out of heaven.
Isa 14:14 I will be like the most High
There are people, denominations and churches that are like Satan. They believe Jesus Christ but fight/disobey Him; their deeds and preaching are against the Bible.
And there are those who believe and obey Him. They stick strictly to the Bible.
2. Is the leadership chosen by God Himself and aligned with heaven?
A leadership chosen by God Himself is aligned with heaven. When humans choose their spiritual leaders because of money, education, etc, it is against God.
A leadership chosen by God and aligned with heaven;
- Is not blind
True Jesus Christ church is not led by blind people. As a Jesus Christ servant, you must receive dreams and visions from Jesus Christ like Moses and Paul.
Can blind lead another blind and not fall into a ditch?
Lk 6:39: And He spoke a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch?
Many churches and denominations are led by blind heading to hell with their many followers.
A man leading one big church today in Nairobi Kenya once told me, ‘God today does not speak in the same way He spoke to Moses and early servants’. I pitied the people he leads in the name of a church.
There are so many like him owning and leading churches blindly and blind ignorant gullible followers cannot see.
- Has power
True Jesus Christ chosen servants have power. Jesus does not send His servants without power. Gospel power is seen in miracles signs and wonders and true Jesus Christ servants have power.
See Jesus Christ servants are followed by miracles signs and wonders
If the church leadership is aligned with heaven and chosen by God Himself, power is a must. Power will be revealed in miracles, signs and wonders.
If you cannot see power in a church or denomination, ask yourself a lot of questions. True Jesus Christ gospel is not dead. See the kingdom of heaven is not in word but in power.
Many churches and denominations have no leaders chosen by God himself neither are they aligned with heaven reason you cannot see power in the gospel they preach because the Holy Spirit has departed.
See why the holy spirit departs and how to know he has departed
Today churches have locked out God chosen servants.
To know how important a leader is to God and whom you are following matters, let’s look at the first church led by Moses.
Another leader rose up and divided the children of Israel; it was Korah. Time came for people to choose whose side they are in; Moses or Korah. And every person under Korah including him perished.
The leader you are following matters because if s/he is not God’s, you will indeed perish with him/her.
3. Is the church preaching true Jesus Christ gospel?
Is the church or denomination preaching worldly or heavenly gospel? Are they preaching worldly prosperity or heavenly prosperity? That is the question you should ask yourself.
4. Is the church perfecting you?
If a church is not perfecting you for heaven but perfecting you for earth, you are perishing in it. Your life on earth is very short. Wake up!
A true Jesus Christ church perfects you for heaven, for eternity and to having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I cannot attend many churches today because they cannot perfect me but instead they will destroy me and what Jesus Christ has build in me.
5. Is the church building/growing your faith?
One of the most important things in Jesus Christ is faith? Does the church you attend build/grow your faith in Jesus Christ or not?
Many churches and denominations teach you to believe in yourself. They tell you to believe in Jesus Christ but they add ‘but’. Reason they are preaching inspiration and motivation today.
If the church you are in is not building/growing your faith, get out and look for a congregation which will grow your faith. You are not a tree that you cannot move. You are called into freedom not bondage.
If you feel the church you attend is weakening your faith or making you question God, move out.
If a church does not grow my faith in Jesus Christ, I cannot be part of it.
There are so many other factors to look at like the history of the church, what the church preaches and does, is there merchandising in the church, etc.
The church or denomination you attend matters. It is either leading you to hell or to heaven.
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand