There is a difference between sin iniquity transgression and wickedness.
Difference Between Sin Iniquity Transgression and Wickedness
James 4:17 Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin
Sin is doing not the good you know.
We sin knowingly and unknowingly, intentionally and unintentionally and that is our nature (sin nature) as Adam’s descendants thus we need to live in Jesus Christ repenting for washing our sins.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the Truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9)
Guilty is in sin – it is a sinner who feels guilty of his/her sins.
Guilty is supposed to make you run to Jesus Christ for repentance and forgiveness.
When your sins are indeed forgiven after repenting, you feel guilty no more.
The enemy makes you run not to Jesus Christ for repentance but instead makes you justify yourself, accusing and blaming others, etc – this is pride. Pride makes a man not to realize his/her sins and thus s/he is a sinner in need of pardoning.
Do not justify yourself. It is Jesus Christ who justifies us (Rom 8:33) not us to justify ourselves.
It’s only a sinner if indeed s/he has repented and been forgiven, sins no more (John 8)
It’s only a sinner who is repentant and fighting to do what is good in the eyes of the Lord
Jesus came for sinners (not wicked)
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Lk 5:32)
The woman caught in adultery was in sin – a sinner (John 8)
Do not be surprised finding the woman in the kingdom of heaven because Jesus Christ shed His blood on the Cross for your sins – run to Him not from Him.
Iniquity is hidden sin, a sin you have covered or you are covering/hiding.
When David sinned, instead of running to Jesus Christ, he tried to cover/hide his sin thus the sin became an iniquity. Reason David in entire Book of Psalms is crying to God to forgive him his iniquity.
Psalms 32:5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
Many of us have covered/hidden our sins like David and think God has not seen them – let’s stop lying to ourselves. Nothing in all creation is hidden from the eyes of God (Heb 4:13).
Iniquity is in the heart of a human being. You must ask Jesus to search deep your heart and reveal any iniquity, forgive and wash you with the blood He shed on the Cross.
It is not your work to cover your sins but Jesus Christ work (Psalms 32:1)
Today, people can naked themselves before fellow human beings in the name of doctors but cannot naked themselves, their hearts, before the Lord. Stop hiding and trying to cover your sins from the Lord.
The people who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery all had iniquities – sins they were covering/hiding. But meeting Jesus, their iniquities were uncovered as He said,
‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her’ (John 8:7)
When you meet a True Jesus Christ servant, He will uncover any iniquity in your heart because it is that iniquity hindering you from your breakthrough, deliverance, healing, blessings and salvation – the cause of curses in your life.
When you hear a person accusing and blaming another person, that person is hiding his/her sins – iniquities. Accusing and blaming others is a devil’s tool to destroy you.
Remember the devil is an accuser. When you accuse another man, you become like him.
Naked yourself before the Lord God, uncover your sins, naked your heart before Him
Many people today confessing Jesus Christ with their mouths, quoting many Bible verses, with much pretense of how they know Jesus, etc, is a way of them covering their sins and whom truly they are.
Before you speak to a Jesus Christ servant, know that he knows truly whom you are.
Repent your iniquities
Transgress means to violate a law or command.
Transgression is breaking/violating God’s laws, commands and statutes.
When God tells you to do a thing and you do not, you have not only sinned but transgressed His command
When God tells you not do this and that, and you disobey, you have sinned and transgressed His command
Remember we live by every word that proceeds (present) from the mouth of the Lord
God has told many of us (in the past and in the present) to do one thing or another, not do this and that, but we have disobeyed – it is transgression.
As you repent sins, repent transgression too.
When you sin once, you feel guilty in need of forgiveness. If you sin again and again and again, a time comes when guilty consciousness dies and you feel guilty no more not in need of forgiveness neither repentance – this is wickedness
When you commit sexual immorality once, you feel guilty and filthy. When you do it over and over again, guiltiness dies and sexual immorality becomes part of you – this is wickedness
When a person kills once, guilty overcomes him/her but when the person kills over and over again, killing becomes part of his/her life (a normal thing) – it is wickedness
In wickedness, doing what is evil/wrong is a normal way of life and you wonder how other people live without sinning/doing evil
You have seen people who abuse others, call them stupid, for not doing what is evil/wrong, it is because they are in wickedness.
In wickedness, every person becomes wicked like you in your eyes. Reason you hear people say, ‘every person is doing it’ or a sexual immoral woman say, ‘all men are dogs’ because she is in wickedness.
In wickedness, the consciousness of a man to know what is good and evil, right and wrong is totally corrupted, dies – the man thoughts become all evil (Gen 6:5)
Wickedness approves what is evil and wrong, castigating what is good before the eyes of the Lord
Wickedness promotes and perpetuates (spreads) what is evil and wrong.
Example: if you sit with the wicked, you will hear them say how it is not wrong to drink a little alcohol, fornicate, divorce, separate in marriage, etc, – because they are of the devil approving what is wrong before the eyes of the Lord and spreading his kingdom (darkness).
Wickedness stands to defend what is evil before the eyes of the Lord – wickedness fights for evil
When I spoke about single mothers, there are those who it is a sin but did not know it’s a sin until light shone on them. But there were the wicked who stood to defend single motherhood and fight Joshua – these are the wicked.
There is nothing you gain by fighting a Jesus Christ servant neither does the servant lose anything when you fight him but the more you fight, the more he is blessed (Mt 5:11).
Jesus came for sinners not for the wicked. Jesus Christ servant are send to sinners not to the wicked.
You never preach the gospel of salvation to the wicked but only reveal judgment. Jesus was not speaking salvation to the wicked but only revealing judgment and so does the Holy Spirit.
Sin has wages, wickedness shouts for judgment
Judgement to God is being wiped out from the face of the earth and your name totally blotted out from heaven.
Sodom and Gomorrah were judged because of wickedness not sin (Gen 19)
God judged the earth by flood (Noah’s flood) because of wickedness not sin
When God judges a nation, people and a person, it is because of wickedness
Sin is rebuked, wickedness is judged
When a prophet is send to call a nation to repentance, it’s not because of sin but because of wickedness, and that call to repentance carries judgment.
Stay away from the wicked
Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company (Psalms 24:1)
Repent your sins
Hide not your sins before the Lord – naked yourself hearts before Him
Repent your transgression
Harden not your hearts
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand