This prophecy of Kenya of deserted Nairobi streets with police in every corner as revealed to me on 28th September 2013.
Prophecy on Kenya
I am prophesying and calling Kenyans to repent. I have revealed every detail from God to Kenya but Kenyans have hardened their hearts up to today.
Kenya is in her last steps to her first judgment if she does not repent. See Kenya tough times before her judgment and Kenya judgment prophecy.
Deserted Nairobi streets with police in every corner
A terrible event is coming to Kenya leading to Nairobi streets being deserted. Many Kenyans in Nairobi will run out of the city and they few remaining will stay indoors as Nairobi CBD becomes a no-go-zone.
Police will occupy Nairobi CBD streets with dogs and guns.
I was placed in one of the Nairobi streets and I saw police men with dogs, guns and tear gas running after the few Kenyans in the city, with police letting their dogs terrorize innocent Kenyans as they watch and laugh.
Kenya Churches Repent
If Kenya will not repent, God has declared total judgment on her and like Sodom and Gomorrah, Kenya will fall with a big bang. All nations of the world will mourn her fall.
Kenya church leaders have chosen money instead of God. Fornication, idolatry, adultery are ripe in the church.
Many Kenya Church leaders have been bought with money. Millions of dollars have exchanged hands between them and the devil kingdom and many Kenyans are blindly following them even when their true colors are out.
Kenya churches have been turned to merchandise houses not God houses. John 2:16 Make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.
Is there preaching or teaching of the gospel in Kenya? No! Prosperity gospel is the gospel in many Kenya churches. It is satanic and from the dark kingdom leading ignorant millions to hell.
Reason Christian Truth Center is here for you; to teach you the Bible, the true and only the truth no matter what. Studying the Bible is the key to truth.
The sweetening of the gospel with hiding of the truth is being done by the devil kingdom who are buying churches and church leaders with millions of dollars to achieve their agenda.
God altars in Kenya have been defiled. Strangers are allowed by church leaders to defile these altars. See prophet Maged prophecy
Kenya churches repent for God to repent His wrath on you. God has decreed total destruction and fire will bring you down to ashes. See signs of oncoming God wrath on Kenya churches.
Money loving perverted Kenya church leaders, preachers, pastors and teachers will never be heard again when God pours His wrath on Kenya in His final judgment. Your days are numbered; MENE MENE TEKEL URPHASIN.
To true God’s children;
God assured me in 2011 that He will protect His own Children in Kenya when judging her. And yes! If you are truly a God’s child in Kenya, nothing will come your way.
Do not be terrified by Kenya judgments and prophecy on her. You are special and God is your shield and protection; a loving father.
God bless