This is vision of demons transforming themselves to angels of light speaking to people as revealed to me on 6th March 2017.
2 Cor 11:14-15 And no wonder, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants transform themselves into servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
Vision of Demons Transforming themselves to angels of Light Speaking to People
I saw people against the TRUTH
They claimed to know the Truth and God of Abraham
They said He speaks to them in dreams and visions
But these people were against the Truth and the scripture (Bible)
I told them to describe the ‘god’ who speaks to them in dreams and visions
What they described was of hell and I said to them,
‘That is a demon
It is a demon that speaks to you’
Then I started describing My God, the God of Abraham to them
As I described Him deeper, the people were weeping in brokenness as God teared down the veils and chains of captivity
Demons are transforming themselves to light speaking to people in dreams and visions
How do you know it is a demon?
1. Twisted gospel
Kingdom of darkness twists and perverts the gospel. There gospel is a lie – opposite of and against the Biblical gospel.
Be careful with people who choose what to hear, read and believe in the scripture (Bible) – people who choose to believe only the parts of scripture that pleases them; demons transform themselves to angels of light and speak to search for they have no TRUTH at all
It’s the reason these people rise to fight when they hear the TRUTH which does not please them because the demons in and speaking to them are dictating them not to believe and listen
But when the God of Abraham (My God), His kingdom and His throne are revealed in deeper details, they cannot stand against that because that will expose them
2. Against the Truth and scripture
Everything a demon speaks is a lie – against the TRUTH and scripture
There is no word, vision and ‘prophecy’ from demons which is in line with the scripture – it is all lies. Examples;
Demons will tell you a woman will be a leader, be a president but a woman leading is against God and the scripture
Demons will tell you it is not wrong for women to wear men’s clothing and men wearing women’s clothing but in the scripture it is an abomination for a woman to wear man’s clothing and a man to wear women’s clothing
Demons will tell you it is not wrong to be a single mother but in the scripture you will never find a single mother
It is up to you to know the scripture and the TRUTH (Jesus Christ) very well that demons will have no ground in you – that they will not be able to come transformed as angels of light to you.
Demons are afraid of a person who knows the Truth and stands for and abides by the Truth
Every person under demon captivity will stand against the Truth. Today they use the scripture (Bible) to fight the Truth – it is Satan because Satan knows that bible very well but he will never say the Truth. Example;
Demons will present to you the story of the woman caught in sin and brought to Jesus as people wanted to stone her and these demons will be telling you that it is right to be a prostitute, in sexual immorality. The Truth is, the woman was forgiven and told ‘go sin no more’ – you will never here those words of TRUTH from demons and Satan
3. What do you see in and on the person claiming to know God?
You cannot claim to know God yet when we look at you what we see is worldliness and an image of Satan – an image of a demon.
You cannot claim to know God yet be abusive, hateful, gossiper, murmurer, complainer, liar, etc.
God cannot speak to you and not deliver you from men’s clothing if you are a woman and women’s clothing if you are a man
God cannot speak to you and not deliver you from wigs, weaves, earrings and all foreign gods
A person who knows God and God speaks to, himself/herself, body, ways, what comes from him/her, etc testifies God otherwise it is Satan
See a temple whom Jesus is dwelling in is holy inside and outside
Satan transforms himself to an angel of light and so are his servants
Demons are transforming themselves to angels of light speaking to people
Be careful
A person cannot be on the side of Truth yet persecute the same Truth
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand