There is a demonic gospel of sacrifice in church today. This gospel is not of the Kingdom of heaven but of the kingdom of darkness and many have fallen to it
2 Cor 11:14 and do not marvel; for Satan transforms himself into an angel of light
Demonic Gospel of Sacrifice in Church Today
Transforming himself to an angel of light, Satan has infiltrated today’s church and poisoned many knowingly and unknowingly. One of the areas is in the doctrine of offerings and sacrifices.
Let me expound on sacrifices and offerings to the Kingdom of heaven vs the kingdom of darkness.
Sacrifices and offerings in the Kingdom of Heaven
Throughout the Old Testament, every sacrifice and offering including tithes that God instructed was a symbol, a shadow of how God was coming to sacrifice offer tithe Himself for humanity once and for all.
Indeed, every picture to the detail of offerings sacrifices tithes instructed by God in the Old Testament is a perfect picture of Jesus on the cross as the perfect pleasing offering sacrifice and tithe to The Father.
And Hebrews testifies perfectly that the Old Testament was a shadow of Jesus Christ. Its purpose was to lead people through prophetic shadows to Jesus Christ; every story, law, wars, tithe, sacrifices, offerings, etc, in the Old Testament are all shadows of Jesus Christ – in them you are supposed to see Jesus Christ not themselves.
When God came on earth as a man and died on the cross, every sacrifice, every offering, every tithe, every price God ever wanted man to pay was paid on the cross once and for all. Therefore, God no longer needs any sacrifice offering tithe or price from a human being but His Son is the perfect sacrifice offering tithe price pleasing to the Father, paid once and for all.
And thus came the Grace, God Riches at Christ Expense – that everything a man ever needs and will ever attain from God comes as a result of the price paid on the cross not as a result of their tithes sacrifices offerings doing works etc.
Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and His Righteousness and all shall be added unto you (Mt 6:33)
Sacrifices and offerings in the kingdom of darkness
Satan is selfish and a liar! He has never paid a price for his people to receive anything from him thus every person in Satan must pay a price to receive anything from him (receiving anything from him is a lie too).
Both kingdoms need a price to be paid; they do not need money, they can create all the money they need; they do not need cars, they can create them; they do not need houses of stones; they do not need anything of the world for they can create all – they all need a ‘Blood Price’; not blood of bulls goats etc but a blood of a human being.
Reason in the kingdom of darkness, for you to be given anything by Satan, you must sacrifice a human being – kill a human (all these Satanists you see they have killed a human to have what they have or be where they are) and they continually sacrifice human blood.
On the other hand, God sacrificed Himself (Jesus, Second Adam) on the cross once and for all; He shed His blood once and for all for all who believe in Him – that blood was the price paid once and for all.
Thus for us to be blessed by God or receive anything from Him, we do not need to pay anything offer sacrifice tithe anything, all we need is His Son Jesus Christ.
There is a lie in today’s church that you must sacrifice offer tithe, pay a price to receive from God, a gospel of unpaid price, a gospel of no GRACE – this is a demonic gospel; exactly what happens in the kingdom of darkness.
To many in the church today, they are busy trying to tithe sacrifice offer pay a price to receive from God but the more they do it the more they receive not but only curses. This is because they have said in their hearts that they do not want Grace, Jesus Christ, the price paid on the cross.
When you choose to pay the price, you have denied GRACE, its denying Jesus Christ, its denying the price paid on the cross making Jesus dead on the cross in vain. We profess to know Jesus but in our works deny Him (Titus 1:16).
God is Not a Business Man. He does not do barter-trade with humans. Reason the more you are trying to pay a price to receive, the opposite is true, the more the curses. It’s all a Satan lie!
Today preachers telling you to tithe sacrifice offer pay a price do business with God to receive from Him are thieves stealing from you – the more you give unto them, they poorer and poorer you become, and when all is stolen from you, they flee to the next sheep to tear into pierces
It’s either you wake up from your slumber now, or when all is gone and the said preachers are nowhere to be seen, you will indeed wake up!
In this manner, Satan is stealing from the church. Satan is using this gospel of unpaid price, no grace, to steal from Jesus’ people. Many have been impoverished by this demonic gospel – and mostly these are they in religion.
Seek the Kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you – it’s guaranteed by God that if you seek His Son all shall be added. We receive not, we have not because we do not seek Jesus Christ – instead to many they choose to buy, barter trade with God, do business with Him, etc.
Question; Is tithing Sacrificing offerings paying a price seeking Jesus?
It is not. For devil worshipers and heathens can tithe sacrifice offer pay a price more than you. Indeed, in many churches today the biggest givers are Satanists.
In Christ Jesus we give to thank Him for what He deed for us on the cross, for the price He paid, not to pay for anything from Him. And He will direct you to whom you are to give to Him through, otherwise you will be fatten demons as curses increase and increase.
Wake up – it’s not late
The difference between the Kingdom of heaven and kingdom of darkness is that in the Kingdom of heaven, the price is paid while in the kingdom of darkness there is no paid price thus you must pay a price.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand