Death is coming to you vipers, jezebels, to you scoffers, you who you call yourselves Jesus servants and you are not but vipers. Hear the LORD’s voice, hear what He is saying,
Death Coming to Vipers and Jezebels in Kenya
The LORD says,
‘You have lied to my people
You have burdened them with heavy burdens
Is MY yoke not easy and MY burden light?
You have given them unto captivity
Created idols for My people to worship
You say you’re serving Me, worshiping Me but you are not
Do I know you? No!
I do not know you
I did not send you
You do things in My name but you do not believe in Me
You read MY Word but you do not know the WORD is ME
How can you understand it without having ME – I AM the WORD
You search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and these are they which testify of ME
But you are not willing to come to ME that you may have life
You use MY name for money
You sell me for money
You Judas Iscariots
You do not fear Me
You have built houses I haven’t told you to build
You have made them your idols and empires
Idolatry houses, houses of thieves and sexual immorality
You have aroused My anger
Now, I will rise and visit you – one by one
In your beds, in your kingdoms, in the roads, everywhere
I will come after you
Your days are numbered, your kingdoms are divided and given to others
Yes! I will destroy you all one by one
I will kill you
I kill
And I will give your kingdoms to MY people
For you have gone after the evil one and his snares
In MY Jealousy I am rising for MY people
Will you lead all those people under you to hell?
No! I am coming to set them free
Some of you I have visited you in dreams
Asked you to repent but you have said no!
I will kill you
I have send My servants to you
You have hardened your heart – repented not
I will kill you
Those who will not repent and turn from their evil ways I will kill
Those who say they are righteous I will expose their filthiness
I called many but they have gone after Satan
Why will I spare them to keep deceiving many?
Repent or I destroy you
For I AM the LORD
‘What about this woman, this Jezebel?’ I asked
She has taught my daughters Jezebelic doctrines
She has taught them harlotry
They bow down to her
She is marrying older women to young men
Why should I spare her?
I will destroy her
I will kill her
For many will see what I will do to
Many will run in fear to Me
Many will repent of their evil ways and wickedness before I visit them
Look at Nairobi Joshua
I will start there
In their merchandising centers – money making houses
The Lion of Judah
I am a Jealous God
I am coming to take My people
To make them Mine
Rescue them from the hands of the evil one
In which they are ignorantly and foolishly following
And I will open their eyes
And set them free
Beside me there is no other God
I am the God of Abraham
A Man of war
They invited me for war
They mocked Me and took My name in vain
They fear Me not
They have asked why I have taken long before visiting them in their rebellion if truly I AM living
But My grace was sufficient
Now I rise from MY throne
My Grace with Me
Those who I visit and repent not I will kill
I will destroy Joshua
They are vipers – sons and daughters of the evil one
Joshua, I must destroy them
I must rescue my people
I am a jealous God
I AM the God of Daniel
God of Moses
They asked you Joshua, ‘how does God speak?’
And said unto you, ‘Today God does not speak the same way He spoke with Moses’
Have they not read, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever?’
They read but they do not believe neither understand
I will kill them all
I will destroy them all
Their kingdoms I will divide give to MY own
And others I will destroy completely
That nothing of them will ever be found forever
Fear Me Joshua
Repent Repent Repent you vipers and Jezebels
The LORD is visiting you one by one
He has visited some of you
And He is coming to you all
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand